
just a swinging

While in Austin visiting Adrienne, we visited this fun little area created through the Red Swing Project. If you've never heard of them (which I hadn't) then you should definitely visit their site! Their whole goal is to anonymously hang red swings in public places to inspire playfulness, and the best part is that anyone can do it! I'm just in love with the whole concept and Adrienne and I had so so so much fun just swinging! I can't even remember the last time I swung on a swing - it was fun to feel like a kid again.

I found a few close to me, but none in my city. Do you have a red swing project location in your town?? 

xo. melisa


  1. Oh my goodness, how neat! I just took a look at the map and it's incredible that they are located all throughout the world!!

  2. totally going to share the love. adore.

  3. Anonymous28.11.12

    What a neat project! Swings bring out the kid in anyone.
