
photo diy

My church recently celebrated it's 2nd year & we made the place look extra great for all of the festivities with some different decor. Every year we blow up photos from the last year and hang em from the ceiling. They're fairly easy to make and really add a lot to any event. So whether you're having a birthday or anniversary party, even if you want to spruce up a bare wall in your house - these turned out great and would be a great addition to any decor!

We had our photos printed online here . Since printing them on a thicker board or foam, was significantly more expensive, the mr and I decided to diy. All you need is some spray adhesive, foam board, an exacto knife, and some pretty photos!

Cover your board with spray adhesive and lay your photo on top. Make sure to press out all of the air bubbles! Let it dry for at least 20-30mins then start to cut. This can be a little tricky; if you line up the edges of the photo to the edges of the board when you first lay it down, it'll work the best. This is the most time consuming part, but that's just because we like to pay attention to detail.

All that's left is to hang! We used twine and tape to attach it to the backs of the photos. They looked great^_^

If you decide to try this, leave a link! I'd love to see how yours come out. Hope your week is off to a lovely start!

xo. melisa

photo credit: photos taken at church were taken by Kalli Photography


  1. The song that is on board is one of my favourites!
    You're church looks lovely :3
    Issy xox

  2. Anonymous13.11.12

    Perfect photo :)

  3. Anonymous14.11.12

    I have to agree with Issy- great song! What a cool DIY. You did a great job. And, happy anniversary for your church family!
