
12 Days of DIY // jewelry book box

This DIY was one of my most favorites to work on and I'm just smitten with how it came out. I love books and decorating with them is so much fun. This little jewelry box has added so much to my little nightstand!

   book - I used a vintage book I had found at an antique mall
   exacto knife - you can pick one up at your local craft store

1) First, I cut a rectangle shape onto the first page of the book. You don't have to press too hard when using your exacto knife and if you'd like to use a stencil for your first cut, that would probably help. 2) Then slowly begin cutting through the pages. As you cut, pop the rectabgle shapes out from the middle. 3) The edges can get a little righ, so make sure you take your time. This project takes a little bit of patience, but it's worth it! 4) Once you've gone deep enough, then go back through and cut some of those rough edges that may have been left. 

I made this while watching a show; it takes some time, but as I said, it's completely worth the time! It would make perfect gifts for friends or sisters! I just love mine and can't wait to make more!

I think this is an awesome way to wrap a necklace or ring you may be giving someone this Christmas! Also, this would be such a sweet way for someone to propose, don't you think?? 

xo. melisa


  1. Anonymous15.12.12

    Ou beautiful idea!Like it

  2. That is so pretty! I just don't know that I could bring myself to cut into a book. haha I would probably do it and then wish I had read the book first or something. :P I love the idea, though.


  3. I've been seeing these all over Pinterest! I agree, it would make a great proposal...Especially if it showed a page that said "And they lived happily ever after! :)
