
CALI // pt. 3

We went to a place called The Lab, which was a renovated night vision lab, turned anti mall. It was basically hipster heaven. They had Urban Outfitters, Buffalo Exchange and lots of other little shops and thrift stores. I loved the open space and all of the fun things to look at. The local cafe made us the best chai tea I think I've ever had!

xo. melisa


CALI // pt. 2

The Mr took me to his favorite place that him and his family would visit, Santa Monica Pier. It was kind of a glum day, so there weren't too many crowds, and it made our walk nice and cool! I just loved the view and wished we could've gone swimming. I just love love the beach! I grew up by the beach, so I really miss it! It was great just walking along, eating ice cream and laughing. This day was perfect.

xo. melisa


CALI // PT.1

We stayed with Elisha's Grandmother while we were in California. It was the sweetest little home, filled with natural light, tiny treasures and the friendliest animals! I didn't get a photo of her two cats, but they were beautiful. Jack, the dachshund, fell asleep with me every night! (leaving him was a hard goodbye) The more I looked around her home, the more I saw what similar taste we have! 

xo. melisa

the packing plan

I recently went to California and I must admit, that packing is always my most favorite part, when gearing up for a trip! I never want to leave anything behind so I like to make a list. I thought I'd share my list with you; in case you're planning on taking a trip anytime soon!

Something to read //  Currently I'm reading Where'd you go Bernadette? I'm love love loving it and I'm excited to wrap it up on this trip!

Something to stay creative //  I always travel/live with tons of notebooks in my bag! You just never know when a good idea is going to come, so you have to be prepared!

Something to listen to tunes // I love to have music playing whenever I do anything, so headphones are a must! Especially if you have a noisy neighbor on the plane!

Something to keep the sun away //  Life without sunnies just doesn't work for me. I have super sensitive eyes, so functioning without them is kind of impossible, so these are a must.

Something to snack on //  I'm notorious for having snacks in my bag at all times. I have hypoglycemia so snacks are kind of a staple. I love to have a bag of nuts, crackers, or fruit just in case!

Something to keep you warm //  I think every girl thinks it's way colder than it actually is... especially on planes! So I will definitely be bringing my Northface sweater with me.

Something to capture the memories //  When I'm not using my iphone, I'm trying to get great shots with my Instax Camera and my Nikon D90. These cameras make vacations even more memorable!

Something for work //  Even when I'm not working, I'm working, so bringing along my laptop is usually required. And if I'm working on a blog design, I need my trusty Wacom Tablet

That about sums it up - or at least for the big stuff! I had so so much fun in Cali and I can't wait to share some photos with you! The Mr totally dominated his race and if you follow me on instagram, then you were able to catch the highlights of the trip already! I also just received my itinerary for a trip at the end of February! I can't wait to share the details on that one!! Hope your Monday is sunshine!

xo. melisa


what we wore

she wore // pants: H&M, top: Anthropogie, sweater: sheinside , boots: Arturo Chiang
he wore // jeans: Levi's, shirt: American Apparel, tie: H&M, sweater: rag + bone, shoes: Aldo

A few weeks ago the mr and I took a few photos and I never got around to sharing some with you.They're pretty random, but I love em! I love looking through all of our photos together over the last seven years; it's always incredible to see how much we change. 

Tomorrow we're headed to California!! Elisha is taking part in another Spartan Race, that's twice as long as his first one. I'm so proud of him. We'll get to stay with his family and roam around the city; I can't wait! Any of you live in Cali? Any suggestions on restaurants or attractions we should hit up?

xo. melisa


Sponsor in February + GIVEAWAY

Calling all sponsors! If you're looking for a space to promote your small business or blog, partner with Pie N' the Sky in February! I currently offer two ad sizes and currently have the Large Solo Ad, still available! If you want more info, go here. If you're ready to move forward, just send me an email at Melisaholguin@gmail.com

I'm so excited for this next month and some fun new posts that are already in the works! Since it's the month of love, I thought I'd share a little love with you! Get 15% off your ad space when you mention this post! AND here's a giveaway!

GIVEAWAY: get a *free* medium ad space for the month of February when you leave a comment below! I'll announce the winner on the 30th!

xo. melisa

PS: don't forget to enter for the Jellywell Art Giveaway below!! The deadline is tomorrow!



1, 2, 3, 45

I opened up a pinterest account about 3 years ago, but usually just paroused for enjoyment and never actually pinned anything. Mostly because I hated being asked the question, "oh, did you get that from Pinterest?" whenever I would create something. My answer was always a resounding no. I hated that my creativity was now being second guessed because of this site. I loved the inspiration it provided, but felt like it squelched my own personal creativity. I also didn't care for the fact that so many great ideas were being "stolen" because there was no proper linking - so I never really took part in it.

Well, over these past few months I've come around to the idea more. If done correctly, Pinterest can be a really great tool for inspiration and let's just say, I'm on board now. Being inspired by ideas is completely different than taking ideas, and as long as you know the difference, then pin away!

As of late, I've been pinning up a storm. Sometimes during my day I have a free hour and I go a little pinterest crazy! I love creating my little space now and I find it to be quite the stress reliever. I'm such an organizer, so I think it's the best that I can keep all of my things in one place. SO, all of this to say, I have a Pinterest, and now I use it. a lot. 

Pinterest, you win.
If you'd like to follow, click here to see more.

xo. melisa

PS: if you haven't already, you NEED to sign up for the Jellywell Art Giveaway!! You want one of these personal illustrations, I promise!


Jellywell Art Giveaway

I'm very excited to bring you this special giveaway from Jellywell Art! This online shop is run by the ever so talented Jamila from New Mexico. I went to  high school with this sweet lady and her art has always been an inspiration to me. You may remember Jamila when she was featured in our Girl Talk feature!
Jellywell Art takes your cute/funny/unforgettable photographs and turns them into unique, handmade, undeniably awesome works of art that you will absolutely love! Whether it is a gift for a loved-one
a painting of your dog as a puppy, or a cherished memory, they will create a one-of-a-kind work of art that is exclusively yours.

Jamila is offering an 8x10 portrait to one lucky winner! Whoever wins the giveaway gets to choose between a Classic, Couples, or Pet portrait. This giveaway is SO amazing! I'm absolutely smitten with the piece she created for me (featured in the photo above).

simply visit Jellywell Art on Facebook and "like" them
leave a comment below stating which portrait you'd choose if you won

follow Pie N' the Sky (for the first time)
tweet about this incredible giveaway (@jellywellart / @pienthesky)

I'll announce the winner on Wednesday the 23rd. Good luck!

xo. melisa

PS: Jamila is also offering a code to all Pie N' the Sky readers! To receive 10% off all orders through February, just use the code PIENTHESKY



outfit details :: pants/jacket - h&m, boots - candies, scarf - target

when waves beat down and winds blow strong
you are left with only two options
to get taken by catastrophe, sinking effortlessly to the bottom of your demise
or to stand up to it, fists in the air, ready and willing to fight

it's in the fighting you find out what you're made of
in the fight, that blood is lost, wounds created and scars left
scars that will serve to remind of the great battles you triumphed over

know this to be true

there is no losing in fighting
only satisfaction in knowing that it didn't take all of you



For a long time I have struggled with controlling my stress. I've always been one to take on a lot. Like, a lot. I hate wasting time and when I sleep too much I feel unproductive. I like to have a plan, with goals and lists; needless to say, I kind of overwhelm myself. You're probably sitting there thinking one of two things, "You're crazy sister, cool it!" or "I know exactly what you mean!!". Well, if you're the fist then consider yourself blessed. My sister is very much like you, a 'go with the flow, take it easy, while still getting what needs to get done' kind of gal. The kind of person that can say, "it's okay, I'll do it tomorrow" is my hero! However, if you're like me, the word stress is one that has changed your life. Today I'm going to share a few tips on how I have managed to battle stress over the last five years.

When I started college, stress was no longer my issue, it was my lifestyle. Everything had a deadline, every hour was planned, and I was doing WAY too much. I was trying to graduate a semester early (as a personal goal) so I did everything I could to get it done (and I did!) I was taking 18-19 credit hour semesters, taking piano lessons, voice lessons, on a worship team at my school, involved in ministry, with a part time job, launching my blog/shop, in a long distance relationship and still trying to "enjoy the college experience". Yeah, welcome stress.

Stress was always present, but there were moments where it just about killed me. Often, it would affect my mood, weight, but several times it was affecting my health. I've dealt with migraines since the sixth grade, but when stress was at it's peak, I was getting a migraine a day. And not like the, "oh man my head really hurts" kind of headache, but I would lose my vision, be totally nauseous and basically useless for a good five hours. Another time I got hives for a week (bluh). And of course there's always that cursed acne. Stress was changing me.

The things I needed to accomplish were getting done, but at the cost of my health. It was a price I wasn't willing to pay, so I had to change the way I was living before it killed me. 

sidenote: in my psychology class, we had to take a stress test, to determine our chances towards certain health issues and stuff. Based on certain things going on in your life you would give yourself x amount of points. At the end we all revealed our scores. I had well over fifty points beyond what anyone else in the class had. My professors eyes got big when I told her my score and said she was afraid I'd have a heart attack. Kind of silly, but before that I never really thought I was abnormal. I thought everyone dealt with as much stress as I did; that a life with a lot on their plate was totally normal. I was wrong. It's not normal.

So, here are some really practical and easy steps that I took to no longer be ruled by stress and I can honestly say that I live my life by these rules. Granted sometimes I have to remind myself of some more than others; I'm a work in progress, but they have changed my life.

Relax  ::  It's okay to not constantly be going, and it's not considered a waste of time to take a breath. If you begin to value rest as much as you do work, then you will have balance. Rest is crucial. This is kind of obvious, but sometimes we run ourselves to the ground and don't really honor that principle.
   +  take a bubble bath
   +  go to bed an hour early!
   +  buy a groupon and treat yourself to a massage

Balance  ::  This one was hard for me, because I want to do it all. It's hard for me to not do something when I know I'm capable of doing it. Does that make sense? I think, "oh what's one more project", or "If I don't help them, then they'll have to do it alone". It's not your job to do everything, just somethings. For me, I had to make a list of priorities. Though I loved being a part of some things, it wasn't fair to give 25% to four things that I sort of enjoyed doing, when I could give 50% to two things I really enjoy or even a full 100% to one thing that I loved! Choose wisely and put your whole heart into whatever you do.
   +  make a list of your activities/projects in list of priority
   +  get an accountability partner, someone who will tell you if you're taking on too much
   + say no, once in a while; because it's okay

Schedule  ::  It's so important to know when it's time to work and when it's time to rest, when it's time to be with loved ones and when it's time to think of new ideas. Sure, our minds are constantly going, but some times it's healthy to shift your mindset and not get stuck thinking and worrying on things, when it won't even make a difference. Sometimes when I get home from work I give myself five minutes in the car to just let my mind rest and shift into blog mode, or hangout with friends mode, or whatever. Otherwise, I know I'll go inside the house and be thinking about something I forgot to do, or who I need to call, or what I need to get done tomorrow. Then I've skimped out on whatever project I should've been able to give 100% to, because my head wasn't in it. Set a schedule and follow it. Work time is work time, home time is home time.
   +  buy/make a planner to carry with you so you always have your schedule in front of you
   +  give yourself a few minutes between each new project to take a deep breath 

Meaning  ::  What are you living for? Whatever it is you find meaning in, let it constantly be at the forefront of your mind. I have to ask myself the question daily... for me, I find meaning in Christ; I want to be the woman He has called me to be. So when I'm feeling stressed, I ask myself, "Is this helping me to grow, to be who God wants me to be?" If the answer is no, then I take a step back and say, it's not worth getting this worked up over, it can wait. If the answer is yes, then I take a step back and make a plan; I know that God's will is not that I be anxious so I try and see how to simplify the task in my head so I don't make too much of it. Everything you do should be for a greater purpose; if it's to become a better person, to become successful, or to be the first woman president, have the goal in mind whenever you set out to accomplish anything.
   +   find a quiet space and just write about your passions, this can help you see what really matters most and 
        the things you should be working towards
   +   write out your purpose and stick it on your mirror, let it be a constant reminder

Let Go  ::  Learning that some things are just out of our control is maybe one of the hardest truths I've had to deal with. I like control. The thought of being "out of control" makes me sick. And yet, there is a certain peace and comfort that comes in knowing that some things just are, and are meant to be, whether we will them or not. Get out of the mindset that life is a race and everything is resting on your shoulders; give some of that weight up.
   +  make a worry jar. write out a worry anytime you have one and when you put it into the jar you're no longer   
       allowed to think on it. it's fun to go back through them at the end of the month to see how they all got 
   +  take up journaling. sometimes you just need to get everything out, but you don't necessarily want to share 
       it with your friend or blog world. a private journal can be so helpful.

Distract Yourself  ::  I don't know about you, but when I know I have things to get done, it's hard for me to enjoy doing anything else I hate leaving anything unfinished. So, I realized pretty early on that I was going to have to find ways to distract myself so I could get a break. Blogging and crafting has been such a huge blessing to me. Though often times it can become work in itself, it's also something I can use to relax and get my mind off of other things. 
   +  Take up a new hobby, or dive back into something you used to love.
   +  Learn to do something you've always wanted to do! (this year I'm resolving to learn the guitar!)

The key is finding your limit. We're all wired differently, so for some having only 5 things on your plate is all you can handle, and that's okay! For others, you can handle ten, but no more. Whatever it is, find it and stick with it. You are worth so much more than any amount of work. Take care of yourself. 

I'm happy to say that I haven't had a migraine in probably over six months. My skin has cleared up, no crazy weight shifts, I'm healthy and it's thanks to controlling stress and not allowing it to control me. Good luck friends! You can do anything you set your heart to.

xo. melisa


in the quiet

Today was quiet. 

I didn't accomplish much, but that's okay. 

I got to spend time with the Mr and we took this photo. 

I love catching little moments of us. 

I can't wait to go through photos like these when we're old and grey and think on our great love. 

xo. melisa


bits + pieces

1. 2. 3. // I got some new notebooks to help stay organized this year. There'es nothing like a fresh notebook to motivate some inspiration.

4. // I've been planning so many fun new series and posts. I can't wait for this year!

5. 6. // I went with Kelsey to check out a few places for an upcoming event. We had so much fun taking photos!

7. 8. 9. 10. // We went to this restaurant called the Catfish Plantation. It's supposedly haunted, but I found it to be quite charming.

11. // Kelsey made a cute fox sweatshirt. They came out looking more like cats, but still so cute!

12. // I enjoyed a little breakfast date with the Mr in Ft. Worth this morning. It was perfect.

I think this year is going to be pretty great. I know we all anticipate greatness unlike any other, for our new year, but this time I really feel it. There's something special about this one. Anyone else feelin it??

xo. melisa