
bits + pieces

1. 2. 3. // I got some new notebooks to help stay organized this year. There'es nothing like a fresh notebook to motivate some inspiration.

4. // I've been planning so many fun new series and posts. I can't wait for this year!

5. 6. // I went with Kelsey to check out a few places for an upcoming event. We had so much fun taking photos!

7. 8. 9. 10. // We went to this restaurant called the Catfish Plantation. It's supposedly haunted, but I found it to be quite charming.

11. // Kelsey made a cute fox sweatshirt. They came out looking more like cats, but still so cute!

12. // I enjoyed a little breakfast date with the Mr in Ft. Worth this morning. It was perfect.

I think this year is going to be pretty great. I know we all anticipate greatness unlike any other, for our new year, but this time I really feel it. There's something special about this one. Anyone else feelin it??

xo. melisa


  1. Loving the notebooks! I need to get my hands on one too to stay organized.

  2. Those target notebooks are so pretty! I have yet to start writing in mine because I want to make sure I do it justice!
    - Time Stand Still

  3. those notebooks are lovely.

    -Samantha J.

  4. I love this! You are simply ADORABLE! Seriously you are my new favorite blog!! Hope that the first weekend of 2013 was good to you. :) Just popping over from Sugar and Dots to say hello. Come say hi sometime! XO!!

  5. Anonymous6.1.13

    I love new notebooks! And I have those ones too :)

  6. Your feelings about 2013 are shared. There's something about this year that seems more special than others...
