
M A K E :: lingerie garland

My best friend Kelsey is getting married in just a few weeks, so it's been so much fun planning her showers! For her lingerie shower, I wanted to add some cute decor, so I whipped up this super easy garland to use for the party! 

Y O U  N E E D :: paper (experiment with different patterns & textures), scissors, sewing machine, thread

E A S Y  A S  1 2 3 :: begin by cutting out a template of your shape; you'll use this to cut out the rest. then begin to trace your shape onto the sheets. if your design is as simple as mine, then you may just skip the tracing step and just cut by laying the template on top, as you cut. ay your shape down on sewing machine and begin running it across the top. leave some space in between each shape to make it more loose, then add another shape and continue sewing. you can always sew a ribbon at the end of each garland, if you wish to tie it to something.

You can use this technique with any shape, for birthday parties, engagements or weddings! I'd love to see what you come up with! Leave a link in the comments with any photos you take!

xo. melisa


  1. so cute & sassy! I love this!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. haha I love this great idea!

  4. such an cute idea.
    xo sabbi

  5. Anonymous29.6.13

    That is so much fun!
