
bits + pieces :: new york

We had such a blast in new york and I'm glad I finally get to share about our experience. We took six of our students and leaders to partner with an organization that allowed us to minister to the people of NY. We stayed in a church from the 1600s, complete with a cemetery in the backyard, and showers in the basement. We had to sleep on concrete floors, and had only a box fan to keep us cool, but it was all worth it! I loved this trip so much because although we had the opportunity to go serve food to the homeless and work in a food pantry, we also got to do a few things that were more non traditional. One of the days we went on a prayer tour and visited nearly every bureau and had the chance to pray over the entire city; it was incredible. Another day we had an "immersion" day, where we were given $2 each and had the task of getting ourselves to a specific location and buy a meal for ourselves and a stranger with just two dollars. The entire trip was so rewarding. Honestly, the most memorable moments were those spent simply talking to strangers on the subway. Realizing that every moment you take the time to get to know someone, their life, their struggle... it's an opportunity to change their life even in the smallest way, and remind them that they matter. Those simple conversations were my absolute favorite!

This was my third trip to NY and I think it may have been my favorite. I can't wait to get back to the city!

xo. melisa


  1. That looks awesome!

