
L E W E D :: update

As of right now, we have set a date, booked our venue, booked our photographer + videographer, i've purchased my dress, my maid of honor has her dress and we have taken our engagement photos! So fun! There's still much to get done, but we're going to have to take a small break from planning. The Mr and I just came back from taking some of our students to New York and it was a blast! We're back for the weekend and then off again for a week of Summer Camp. It'll be go go go, but it's so worth it! I think it'll be nice to come back to all the wedding stuff with a fresh perspective. I can't wait to keep sharing wedding inspiration and fun diy's with you along the way!

I made the flower crown featured above, for our engagement photos. It was super simple and I can share a DIY if you'd like. I'm so excited to share more from our engagement shoot, taken by Kalli Carr

xo. melisa


  1. this is beautiful!

    <3 Sharmaine Ruth

  2. Gorgeous. Ps I have that same free people dress but in black :)

  3. Anonymous6.7.13

    I love the crown! Definitely share your DIY. =)

  4. You are gorgeous! I love the flower crown!!

  5. That second picture looks absolutely amazing!

    Ps: i'm doing a fashion-related survey for my MSc dissertation, 5 mins, much much help ♥ https://fr.surveymonkey.com/s/2SJRFPJ

  6. Anonymous16.7.13

    Oh My Goodness, a very huge pretty-please to how you made the wonderful crown. You are the most-beautiful pre-bride I have ever seen...really!
