
D O W N L O A D :: iphone wallpaper

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I've been fixated on the idea of  "mountaintop moments". The moments we share with God, where we see Him like never before, and in turn see ourselves and others in new light. I shared something similar via instagram and thought I'd share a new wallpaper for le iPhone. It's a kind reminder that today can, if we allow it to, be the best day. Sometimes we hold ourselves back, sabotage ourselves with useless lies, or simply don't give in to the goodness that God has just waiting for us. So today, give in. Have a mountaintop moment and decide to make today the best!

xo. melisa


  1. Anonymous3.8.13

    Your faith and love of God are so wonderful...your sharing make me a better person. Thank you so much.

  2. Beautiful wallpaper. I'd like to download this for my iPhone. Thanks for sharing. en ucuz iphone
