
R E C I P E :: easy bake tortilla chips

So lately I've been craving mexican food like no other. I think I've been gone from home for too long.  For those that live in the South and know what a Kroger is, they started selling green chile. I love me some green chile, so I loaded up with two full bags. I took them home only to realize I had no way of roasting them. So, I googled how to roast them at home (sans grill) and came up with a very makeshift way that required an open flame and some tongs - for those that follow me on instagram, you saw what this looked like. Either way it worked, and I was able to make some green chile chicken enchiladas (mmm). I made that for some friends and ran out of tortilla chips in the process. So yesterday, when I was trying to enjoy some salsa, I realized I needed some chips. I realize I could've ran to the store, which is less than 5 mins away, but it was late and I had that whole sleep face going on, so I came up with this. Here's a super simple recipe for some easy bake tortilla chips. 

I N G R E D I E N T S ::
+ tortilla (flour or corn)
+ no stick spray
+ cayenne pepper (or any spice)

E A S Y  A S  1 2 3 ::
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Start by stacking about 4 tortillas on top of each other; more if you're wanting to feed more. Then slice them like you would a pizza, into little triangles. cover your baking sheet with no stick spray and lay your triangles out. then spray a thin layer of spray on top of them to help your spices stick. Take a spice of your choosing, I picked cayenne pepper, and lightly cover your chips. Stick the sheet in the oven for approx. 10mins. Making sure to watch them the last two, because they will burn quickly. 

I used whole wheat tortillas this time around, I may try regular flour next time. I also thing it would be fun to make some fun shapes, maybe for a party? I hope you enjoyed this. I'm thinking I'll be sharing a few more easy recipes. I'm no cook by any means, but I'd like to think I know a thing or two! And I'm always happy to share. 

xo. melisa

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