
B I T S + P I E C E S

I love the stillness of morning. It's so rare that I get to wake with nothing on the schedule, with nowhere to be or nothing urgent to accomplish. It's on those days I like to draw open the curtains and just sit in the stillness, soaking in the sunshine. God is so good and these days are reminders of that.

I had a perfect Labor Day weekend. The mr and I went to Austin, where he completed his first triathlon! I'm so proud of him and I'll be sharing more on that later this week. I received a sweet package from my dear friend Brittany. She and I grew up in the same city, but never actually met. Over the last year or so we've gotten to know each other via the internet and I feel so blessed for our friendship. Finding people you truly connect with is so rare and wonderful.

I'm hoping your week is off to a great start. My life is taking on a new adventure today, and I'm nervous, but excited. I also have quite a bit of wedding stuff to take care of and trying and pick out a few more home items before next month when I make the move.

Life is good. Your life is good. Remember that.

xo. melisa


  1. Love those water color painting!
    Little Sloth

  2. sounds like you had a wonderful labor day weekend indeed!

  3. Catching up on my favorite blog and spotted this sweetness. Made my week! :) I'm just happy that you know how much I adore thee and all that you stand for.
