
D O W N L O A D :: you have what it takes

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A little reminder never hurt nobody. Whether you're taking on the world, tackling projects for school, being super mom, or facing ridiculous obstacles, just remember - you have what it takes.

Elisha just wrapped up a series with our students on being fearless. Fear has such a crippling effect on us and before we even realize it we're ruled by it. Ruled by the fear that we'll never be who we have the potential to be, that we will fail or be unsuccessful, fear that the lie of "I'm just not good enough" might be true. Well, it's not. You have what it takes my friend. Don't be afraid. Push yourself and find joy in the process.

xo. melisa


  1. Eeeeep, too cute, girl!

  2. Just downloaded. I may have to print this out (with your permission!) because its such a great reminder:)

