
L E W E D : : invitation update

It happened guys! We finally mailed out our wedding invitations and I could not feel more excited! I breathed a huge sigh of relief as we finished them up last night after weeks of creating them. It was such a fun project to share with Elisha; from designing, to printing, to writing and sealing, it truly was a labor of love. Doing all of these wedding projects together only makes me realize more that we make such a great team. And I'm excited to live my life with him. I will be sharing a full invitation story very soon!

In other news, we are now just over 6 weeks away from being wed. The shock of the reality of this has still not worn off. I still catch myself looking down at my ring and thinking, "I AM GETTING MARRIED!!!" and yes, I shout it in my mind. 

We went to visit our venue again and found out that they had just finished building an entirely new building on their property! So we're pretty excited to utilize that space. While we were there it finally dawned on me that we're having an evening wedding, and all those pretty pictures I had in my head with natural light and the sun shining brightly, were actually not going to be real at all. I'm pretty much having a night wedding. I've been having some trouble coming to terms with this, but I'm finally coming around to the idea and embracing the fact that it will be dark. I'm excited to play with light concepts and I can't wait to show you all that the Mr and I come up with! Which by the way, you have no idea how hard it is to try and keep this all a surprise! I want to share everything I'm working on, all of my ideas and inspiration!! Keeping secrets is the worst!

xo. melisa

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