
N E W S P A C E :: bedside + Kleenex Style

Since (mostly) finishing our living room decor, I've decided to devote my attention to our bedroom. My hope is to create a space that is peaceful, beautiful and calming. After a long day at work, it's nice to have a place for relaxation; our bedroom is sort of our retreat after all. My hope is to share the space piece by piece as we work on it. Here are a few of my bedside essentials:

flowers :: I love having fresh flowers by my bedside! Not only do they bring a pleasant smell to the space, but they seem to brighten it up. I picked these up at the market the other day and I'm just smitten with that purple color. They've got me in spring fever, that's for sure!

candles :: for the last two years or so, I've become completely obsessed with candles. Elisha has actually put a cap on my candle purchases until I use the ones we have, ha! I just love them - their smells, the pretty jars they come in, and how peaceful they can turn any room. Any time I've had an extra long day, I love to come home, light the candles and just sit and breathe them in. They're just so therapeutic, so naturally I need at least one at my bedside. My current favorite scents are Volcano and Crane Flower from Anthropologie.

books + magazines :: I love to read, so it's nice to have some good reading material by the bed. Sometimes I like to read to help me fall asleep at night and it's helping me reach one of my goals! I'm currently reading Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me by Mindy Kaling and Carry On, Warrior by Glennon Melton. What are you reading? 

Kleenex :: When I moved to Texas 6 years ago, I developed allergies. They're something I've had to deal with each season, so having Kleenex by my bedside is an absolute essential. I recently purchased a few boxes from the new Kleenex Style Studio Line, and I love the fun designs. It's great having cute boxes that fit your style and don't take away from your decor, but actually add to it. They recently launched this new line; I love the one with the sweet owls!

perfume :: I usually shower at night and I love spraying on my perfume before I go to sleep. It's something my Mom always did and I never thought it was strange until my sister pointed it out. I just love going to bed feeling clean and smelling pretty, so sue me!

lipbalm :: I think everyone has lip balm on their nightstand. It's a must.

blankets :: I'm a blanket junkie. There, I said it. I have way way too many, but I'm not even sorry. I love blankets, I love being warm, and they're the best! Of course, I have two by my side... ya know... just in case. 

So, does your bedside look like mine? What are some of your staples?

xo. melisa

*this post is sponsored by Kleenex. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make Pie N' the Sky possible.


  1. Beautiful decor! You have all the basics in there. My bedside table looks very similar to yours, except for a ring holder I can't live without ;)

  2. Love the brightness of your decor! Also very chic, and I feel you on the candles they always help me relax! :)

  3. Anonymous10.3.14

    Those Kleenex boxes have the best design, they make sneezing your nose fun.

    xo Mélane
    Selfhelp | Inspiration | Motivation

  4. I love how you personalized your space! The Kleenex design you choice really blends well with your other decor. Very girly and chic.

  5. Anonymous10.3.14

    Great post! And I love your blog! I've been considering doing an advice/life/thoughts section for awhile now because I love quotes and articles that can inspire and help make life a little more awesome. Maybe I'll do it soon….just gotta go for it! Lol. Nice to meet you :)

  6. Great pics! Sorry about your allergies, but you definitely do know how to handle them. BB2U

  7. Beautiful photos! Love the tissue box design.

  8. Loved the way you styled it!
