

This last month has been so very crazy and wonderful. From adding a member to the family, to getting a new job, to Elisha's first triathlon of the season... it's felt like a whirlwind. I love change when the change is good. This change has been incredible, but that's not to say it hasn't come with it's own set of challenges. We're coming up with new routines, figuring out what our new "normal" is and learning a lot along the way. PS is still very important to me and something I fully intend on putting more time and attention to; I'm just learning the balance. Oh the balance. Does anyone ever really get the balance? I hope to soon, and am so thankful for each of you for joining me in the process. Y'all are the best!

Happy Easter! Mel


  1. you have the most adorable dog!!

    Multitasking Damsel Blog

  2. Your doggy looks soooo cute;)! You're making such great and awesome posts - which I adore to read each time!:)

    Have a lovely weekend!

    NIKA Bittner

  3. Anonymous18.4.14

    Happy Easter to you too! Your doggy is so cute!

    Melane | Oh Sweet Remedy
