
Blog Love.

I'm so excited to be taking part in Elsie's new Blog e-course!! Now that I'm out of school I can direct my full attention to this new fun class. I hope to spruce up le blog and make it extra special for all of you lovely readers. I'm planning a little blog makeover and so this course couldn't have come at a better time:)  If you have a blog of your own, you should check it out!
In other news, as I said, I'm done with school! Yay! I get a full month to become completely  overwhelmed with creativity! I couldn't be more excited. I already have a list a mile long of things I want to make:) I also plan to do many more DIY's, special features, guest bloggers and of course giveaways! Which by the way, if you haven't signed up for the 12 Day Giveaway yet, you still have time! Have a lovely night.

xo. Melisa

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