

So I don't think I've mentioned just how excited I am about this year. I've had some pretty great years in the past, but I think 2011 is going to be one of my favorites. I have an incling that there are going to be lots of changes, new adventures and just all around goodness. Anyone else with me on this? 
I know for certain that there will be several things coming to a close and also many things just beginning! For starters, it's my senior year! Hallelujah! I have been in school for what feels like forever and I am more than ready to see what's next. I still have much to get done, but instead of feeling anxious and overwhelmed, I've decided to simply enjoy and take heart in knowing that God is with me. 
I also can't wait to see what happens with Pie N' the Sky. The blog and shop have already exceeded all levels of my expectations and from here on out I'm kind of just going where the wind takes me. It's kind of surreal at times. 
I'm excited for the mister and the new adventure he's going on and also can't wait to see the next phase of our journey together.
I'm just thrilled about this year! Can you tell?? I don't usually feel this way at the beginning of the year, that's why I know there's something special about this one. I think I've made my point^_^ Just thought I'd share with you. OH and I saved the best for last... all of you! I am so thankful and excited to have the readers that I have. It seems like followers are growing daily and it means the world to me that you sit down to read my blog! I'm excited to meet more of you and get to know those of you I do know, better! Thanks so much!!  Here's hoping this year is wonderful and memorable {in a good way} for all of us!!

xo. Melisa


  1. You have had a great 2010, and I hope 2011 is even more awesome!

  2. I'm new to your blog, I was sent here from MaieDae. I think I'm a new fan! ;) It was a pleasure to *meet* you!

    <3 Ashley
    ashley dot hasty at gmail dot com

  3. im so glad i found your blog again!

  4. Thank you Megan!
    Ashley it's nice to meet you too^_^
    Jes I'm happy you found it too!!

  5. new to the blog! found you through MaiDae!!

  6. umm you are adorable. i love your blog and your shop is ahhhmazing!

  7. hmm, i have a big hope this year. i will graduated from senior higj school and wish i can enter my fave university ;)

    btw, happy new year dear ;)
