

So I'm kind of crazy for collections. I've been this way since I was a kid.... My first collection was of penguins. I had everything from stuffed animals, to figurines, to butter knives {yes, I had butter knives in the shape of penguins! haha!} SO instead of sharing with you all at once all of my collections now, I've decided to create a bi-weekly post entitled collections, in which I will share with you my latest and ever growing collections^_^ My first collection will be coming to you this coming week and I can't wait to share! 
Here are some pretty collections I stumbled upon...





{coin purses}



{diamond rings}

I would personally love to have that final diamond ring collection, but that's just me! Those rocks are HUGE! What are some of your favorite collections??

xo. Melisa


  1. Those rings are beautiful displayed in all the different colored boxes! I am a coffee lover, and I have a pretty ridiculous collection of coffee mugs. When we moved to a smaller house with less kitchen storage, I had to leave several of them packed up. Yeah, it's silly, I know. But I love drinking coffee out of a neat mug!

  2. Pretty! I have quite a few collections myself! My favorite collection? Globes!

  3. Man, I would love to have that ring collection. Your post inspired me to attempt to photograph some of my own collections. Thanks for posting!

  4. oh my goodness! i love collections. i'm a total hoarder.

    thanks for popping by my blog, yours is lovely as well!

    talk to you soon!

  5. I love collecting! My first collection that I remember besides Mcdonalds plastic toys when I was a kid.. then I collected tin lunch boxes and now I collect typewriters..


  6. those coin purses are soo lovely!! i think i should start a collection in those too~~!!! heheh!! it's great hosting a giveaway with you on maiedae!! so glad i found your blog!!

  7. Anonymous7.1.11

    those collections are so cool. i especially love the brooches and the doiles. i collect Pez dispensers but I only have ten of the, at the moment. Can't wait to see your future collections feature!
    Marina xo

  8. I would love to start a real collection. The only thing of mine I could consider a collection is the huge variety of tank tops in my drawer. I have a tank in almost every color possible, and I barely ever wear them. I would like to collect something more exciting though!

  9. awesome array of collections- LOVE the doily display. so unique.

  10. those are beautiful!
    i don't have any collections for now..

    nice blog dear ;)

  11. I like to collect rubber ducks. I'm a school teacher and they line my classroom: pirate ducks, holiday ducks, you name it!

    (found you through MaieDae)
    Love your site and your store! :)

  12. love these images, super cute idea!

  13. Great photos...I love collections! I love tights, especially patterned ones, so I have a pretty large tights collection. I also just started collecting vintage picture frames so that I could use them to create an art wall in my room.

  14. it's not my most favorite collection... but debt seems to be the lingering one. :] okay, okay... shoes!

  15. Um, i was going to say that the sunglasses are my favorite collection....until I saw the diamond rings. And then that collection became my favorite :)

  16. Perri10.1.11

    I would love that diamond ring collection! I dont have enough space to collect things but I would love to collect earings I think...tons of earings.
