
Birthday Boots

I had a pretty fun filled birthday. I got to spend all day with two of my favorite people; Kalli and Kelsey!
We started the day by driving to Dallas and eating at Urban Taco, which you've heard me talk about many a time^_^ Needless t say, it was delicious.
Then we headed on over to the cutest little cupcake shop. They even gave me a free cupcake because it was my birthday! So sweet. I got a coconut cupcake and it was aaamaziiiing and a chai tea was the perfect compliment to it.

Then we went to Buffalo Exchange. I got a pretty top and some new sunglasses. They're both real pretty and I'll show you in a minute!

Theeeen we went to a super cute vintage shop called Ahab Bowen. It was so quaint and pretty inside. It was filled with real pretty dresses, hats, scarves and so much more. I found thee perfect peach boots there and a sweet scarf too!
We tried on this way cute turban; it was really really pretty. Kelsey ended up buying it^_^

It was time to eat again, so we went and got some yummy crepes!! Mine was filled with poblano sauce, mushrooms, and spinach. It came with fresh fruit and toast too, all for like five bucks!  

Before I decided to go hangout with the girls, I was just gonna sit at home and be lame, ha! But really, I was okay with being alone and that was the plan. SO when I got home after our Dallas adventure, I found this sweet basket on my bed. It was filled with magazines, nail polishes, POM juice, itunes giftcard, candy and Beverly Hills Chihuahua!! And guess who it was from!? The Mr! He's the best^_^ It was so perfect, and included a card that explained how he had planned to give this to me to keep me occupied while I spent the day at home. Isn't he just the cutest?? Yes.

Here's a photo of everything I purchased. Do you see my birthday boots?? Aren't they perfect? Yes. OH and I forgot to mention that we went to Urban; that's where my cute new fox wallet came from! Love. 

And that was my day! I'm 23 now and I feel like.... kinda the same, ha! I'm excited for this year and all that it will bring! So long for now!



  1. i love the fox wallet you got from urban - so cute!


    Also...I bought the same fox wallet for myself on my birthday!! :)
