
What I Wore //Magenta

Skirt / Necklaces: Forever 21
Top / Belt / Ring: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Target

I decided to venture out and try some milkmaid braids with lace in my hair. I kind of fell in love with the look. Do you know how to do it?? I was thinking of doing a tutorial, but if y'all already know how, there's no sense in showing you. Let me know!



  1. this outfit is so cute! i love it so much! :)

    follow me?

  2. Aw this outfit is so cute and fun :) love the purple and the jewelry compliments the essence of the outfit so well
    :) bobbie

  3. Is this a top or bodysuit? I have a bodysuit that looks just like this and I love love love it! Such a great skirt, too. Perfectly cool for the summer.

  4. Hi there, new follower here, visiting from Lindsay @ Scenic Glory. You have such a cute little blog here and you are ridiculously adorable! I am loving everyone's WIW/outfit posts here in blogland...just wishing I had the courage to take photos of myself like that. Magenta is a good color for you!

    And for the record, I would love a tutorial on milkmaid braids with lace!

  5. I love what your wearing it looks so gorgeous and great blog, its so pretty :)

  6. Lovely combination! Love the pop of yellow from the shoes and nails : ) By the way are the shoes Big Buddha?

  7. magenta is a great color for you! i love your ring! it all goes together so well!

  8. this is such a good outfit. i didnt even think it was two pieces... thought it was a dress. im gonna have to find me a skirt like that.
