
Second Birthday

Today the Mr and I celebrated a little thing we like to call, second birthday!! Since he was away on my birthday, we had to postpone the celebration til today. It was just perfect^_^

The day began with breakfast at Mimi's Cafe; I had never been. Do they have one near you?? If so you need to go, like right now! Their muffins are reason enough to drop what you're doing and get yourself over there! Delicious. Then I was taken to Anthro for a shopping spree! Yep! I got some pretty pretty things!! Theeeen we went on over to a cool coffee house and I drank an iced chai and opened up my next present.... mint headphones!! eeep! I have been wanting these for at least a year. They are just as perfect as I had hoped. We watched movies, ordered gourmet pizza and had the best day ever. I feel like such a lucky gal. I'm sad my birthday festivities are over, but I'm so excited for 23. I think this'll be a good year. Are you 23? Have you been 23? Was it good for you??

PS: I am going to be away at camp this coming week. I think I may have mentioned this... But no worries, I have some sweet posts lined up for you from some of my lovely sponsors!! I know you'll enjoy them. OH and we'll still have our regular weekly features! So long friends!



  1. i'm 23!! it is a lovely age but i get the casual feeling that i'm getting old! lol but we're still young, thankfully. happy second birthday!

  2. Sounds like it was a lovely birthday!

    23 was a good year for me and I hope it's a good one for you too!
