
What I Wore

Dress: Gilly Hicks
Scarf / Boots: Ahab Bowen
Bracelet: Buckle

Do you see those crazy cute peach boots I'm wearing?? Those are my oh so perfect birthday boots that I gifted myself on my birthday shopping day! They fit like a dream and they're a size six!! My feet are not a size six; they're not giant wierd feet, but they are certainly not a size six. They were clearly meant for me. Actually, I think I willed them to fit me. As I was putting my foot in them I said "please fit me, please fit me, pleeeease fit meeee!" And voila, they did!! It works, you should try it next time you want something to fit you. If it doesn't work, then maybe you have to wait for your birthday to roll around, it might only work then.

On another note, I'm feeling very chatty tonight. Clearly. I got to see my sweet friend Lauren and we went to dinner and then caught up on our lives. We went to high school together and I love that we're still friends^_^ I have stayed up way too late this whole week and it's really thrown me off my schedule. Do you care to know this? Probably not, but here it goes anyway.

I find myself getting into bed at around this time each night only to lay in bed for hours thinking. Thinking about what you may ask, well let me tell you. I'm thinking about school, my internship, what recipes I should learn, the piano, new features for the blog, puppies, mason jars, tv shows, Jennifer Aniston's hair (how is it so shiny??) my new face moisturizer, kittens, waterfalls, and that's to name a few of literally hundreds of thee most randomest thoughts! Also, I know randomest is not a real word, but it felt appropriate. I say this all to say, that I am sleepy, but I know if I try to sleep I will fall into this same trap SO tonight I have a plan. I will stay awake doing something of actual purpose until I'm so sleepy that I can't bare to be awake anymore and bam, that's when it'll happen... I will be thought free and have pleasant sleep.

On a completely other note, I really really like this outfit and I wore it on a day when I ran errands and felt it did not get the appropriate wear that it needed. So you may very well see this outfit pop up again. Don't judge me when you see it again either. I'm not one of those people that only wears an outfit once, I'm a real human being. 

So there you go. To wrap up: My feet have shrunk, I got to see my friend, I like to make up words, and I'm a human being. Goodnight.



  1. The scarf is just too cute. Love the floral!
    wish i could find me some sweet boots like that, great color!
    :) Bobbie

  2. those boots are dreamy! i "will" shoes to fit me too! love your blog!

  3. This outfit is so pretty! Love the whole combination :)
    P.S. I just recently started following you and wanted to let you know that I love your blog!!

    Come over and check out mine :)

  4. love this outfit! the scarf looks great with that dress!

  5. Loooove your outfit, screams summer. I also wonder about random things right in bed, lol the Jennifer Aniston one made me laugh. If you come up with yumy recipes please post them here, dying to get new ideas, too!
