

Too often we get caught up in the mundane and routine. We see things on a daily basis and somehow they lose their magic over time. Colors for example, are far more inspiring to me than most anything else. They are everywhere, sometimes hidden, other times bold and making a statement. But colors, are what make this world so exceptionally outstanding, because what kind of a world would we live in if everything was in black and white. Colors cannot become mundane, so often they seem to me like they have lost their luster, their magic... Let us embrace color! I used to do this feature and have since let it be forgotten; I am picking it back up and we are going to start to get excited about colors! Are you with me??

Yes, coral has my heart and always will. It's so feminine, but not overtly girly. I like that it can be soft and romantic or bright and bold. There will surely be lots of coral touches in my new home. So, what are your feelings and thoughts on coral??



  1. I love coral. It's definitely one of my favorite colors. I actually have on coral toenail polish at the moment. :D

  2. Coral has always been a favorite of mine to wear! Definitely a must have color for the fall!

  3. Love it - this has been one of color obsessions this summer!

  4. Anonymous25.8.11

    Well I am so glad that my pal Stephanie of The-Loudmouth tweeted about your blog! I don't know where you have been my whole life, but I am so glad that I have found you hehe. You have the cutest blog & it is such an inspiration to me. I loved the interview with the couple (adorable) and I have to say that Coral is a def. favorite of mine as well.

    I am looking forward to checking out your blog on a daily basis from now on :D

    -Steph of Life and its Other Drugs

  5. I LOVE coral, a definite favorite!

  6. i love coral too what cute findings :)

  7. love coral!
    and i love your blog :) new follower, hello!
    xo dana
