
Girl Talk // The Gallerist

I'd like you to meet Kaitlyn of  isavirtue. She is such a sweet gal and I feel so lucky to have met her. She's very talented and completely inspirational. I'm sure you'll think she's just great!

What is your job title?
Gallery Assistant and Sales Associate. I currently work at two different galleries. I have worked for nine different galleries in the past four years in various roles, including attendant, visitors services coordinator, curatorial assistant, programs assistant and installation.

What do you love about yourself?
Aside from my ears, which are pretty cute, I love my passion for art. I love that I know exactly what I want to do with my life. I think that's pretty lucky and quite rare...

Who is your role model?
It's an obvious answer,  but my mother is definitely my role model. You can bet I would never have said that ten years ago though! She has such amazing morals and a wonderful outlook on life despite the more difficult things life has dealt her. I also greatly admire my best friend Anne-Marie. She's so mature and so intelligent. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

What inspires you?
Honestly? Blogs? Every day I am inspired by these amazing woman online who are so creative and clever. Additionally, I am inspired by beautiful paper, unique gallery exhibitions and the art of Andy Goldsworthy.
What are five words that describe you?
I always find this to be a difficult challenge because I don't want to assume that I know exactly who I am. That being said: creative, realistic, organized, open-minded and a homebody. 

What is your biggest insecurity?
My body. I only realized my true shape a couple years ago. Let's just say it's an ongoing process and that we are still getting to know each other.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
I would be the curator of contemporary art at the Vancouver Art Gallery. It would be the day before a big exhibition is set to open. I want to be there, with a never-ending to do list, assisting in the final installation, totally crazy, out of my mind with stress and excitement.

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I love when people know what they want to do with their lives and do everything they can to pursue it. That kind of passion motivates me to follow after my dreams; thanks so much Kaitlyn. If you haven't had your art fill quite yet, Kaitlyn is offering an Art e-course that you can read more about, here. 


1 comment:

  1. Great photos and interview!

    Stop by: www.IceCreemDreem.com :)
