
Girl Talk // The Seamstress

I'd like to introduce you to the lovely Kari Wiebe. She is the lady behind Dove Tree, the blog and sweet shop where she sells hand sewn treasures. I know you'll think she's just great!

What is your job title?
Do I have to pick just one?  In a very particular order: Seamstress, Painter, Designer, Student

What do you love about yourself?
Oh boy.  I guess I will say my determination... or for those who know me best, that would be my stubborn streak.

Who is your role model?
I wouldn't say that I have one specific role model.  I do however, have a LOT of incredible people in my life - all of whom I look to as models of characteristics I wish to have for myself.  This goes for everything from drive, to cheery dispositions and brilliant humour (ya'll know who you are).

What inspires you?
Daydreaming, fields and prairies skies, other artistically inclined folks, sunny afternoons spent with nothing but a sketchbook... The list goes on! 
What are five words that describe you?
In no particular order: creative, silly, imaginative, relaxed, intuitive.

What is your biggest insecurity?
My constant fear is that I won't accomplish enough.  What exactly is 'enough' you ask?  Um...

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
Coco Chanel.  Now there was one witty and spirited visionary of a woman!

Thanks so much for sharing with us Kari! I love love Girl Talks! AND, exciting news, we are currently taking applicants! If you're interested in being one of our new Girl Talk ladies, email me at Melisaholguin@gmail.com. Can't wait to hear from you^_^



  1. She is super pretty and I love what she said about herself! I'll have to check out her blog!

  2. Nice photos... You can really tell the creativity in her!

    -robots in trouble

  3. Wanted to let you know about the giveaway that I am doing. http://wifeysnotes.blogspot.com/2011/09/lovely-giveaway.html
    Hope you stop by and enter!

    <3 Christina'Marie
