
Sponsor Spot Giveaway Winners

Hello! This week has been just a whirlwind. I wish I could sit at home today with a cup of chai, under a blanket, listening to some pretty tunes and blogging all day, but alas I must work, school, and rehearse. It's a good life I lead, but it sure is busy. I did however find time to not only say hello, but announce the winners of the Sponsor Spot Giveaway! Yay! I got a little crazy and gave out three spots, gosh I'm generous, ha! I wish you could all be my sponsors... but here are the winners!

Girls, please email me with your button by today or tomorrow! Thanks so much everyone for participating. AND in case you hadn't noticed, we reached 500 followers!! And as promised, I'm working on a fabulous giveaway! I can't wait to share it; hopefully by next week^_^ Have a lovely Thursday friends.



  1. Oh my goodness - that's me! Thank you so much! Will be e-mailing you the info soon!

  2. Yay!!!! :) Woo! So exciting :)

    I've emailed my button through :)

  3. Congrats to the winners! Yay!

  4. I never win anything! Thank you!

    (sent you my button last night :)

  5. Just found your blog and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It's awesome. :)

    Emma @
