
oh you know...

Sometimes I don't feel like writing out the perfect post. Sometimes I just want to write how I think... So for your viewing pleasure, this is what my thoughts sound like...

* I really can't wait to see the Hunger Games movie!!!!
* I really need to finish the third book. I know what you're thinking, weren't you reading those like two months ago?? Does it take you that long to read?! The answer is no, I could've finished it long ago, but alas I have chosen not to. I think I've shared this before, but I don't want to say goodbye to the story or the characters quite yet. Once I finish the book it's all over and they will cease to exist to me. womp womp. Or at least til the movies come out.
* I got tickets to Fort Worth Opera in May from the Mr! He is the best.
* I really can't believe we've been dating for seven years. Sometimes I forget that that's not normal.
* I really like the song "Somebody That I Used to Know" (it's playing)
* I have a prospective job and I reeeeeallyyyyy hope it works out. It was kind of made for me.
* I signed up for my very first craft fair!! I'll have a booth at the Walk the Light Festival in Cedar Hill, TX on March 24th -- in case you're in the area... drop by!
* I've been dreaming up booth designs all day long. I cannot stop.
* Why does it always have to rain on the days when I want to be most productive??
* Why is winter juuust now hitting Texas??
* I feel really lucky to have found a church that truly cares about people.
* I think my boyfriend is so talented. I wish I could say it everyday, but people get annoyed by that stuff.
* I'm happy with my life. Inspite of imperfections, it's so much cooler that I thought it would be.
* I don't like the Pinterest-pandemic.
* I have not pinned in a very very long time.
* I don't like creating something and having someone ask me if I got the idea from Pinterest. No I did not, it came from my very own brain.
* That probably sounded mean. I like people being inspired; I just like when people have their own ideas too^_^
* I've been so inspired as of late.
* I want to redesign the blog. Are you all tired of how much I change things here?? sorries.
* I have to get ready for our youth small group now. Have a sweet Sunday friends!!



  1. You know, I agree with you on the Pinterest front. One of its draws was that, at first, it seemed to be a really small community of design/fashion/food lovers all sharing inspiration online. There was an "exclusivity" to it (I feel kind of horrible saying that, but it's true). Now, every day, I have 5-10 new people "following" me, mostly because we're connected on Facebook, and then TODAY my AUNT started using Pinterest. The woman who still can't seem to grasp the idea of "reply all." It's getting a little much and I feel a bit mean for deciding not to follow everyone that follows me, but there are only so many pictures of cats in sweaters that one woman can handle!

    Phew. Sorry for the rant. Also, finish the Hunger Games series. Seriously. You will be sad it's over but it is a story that needs to be finished.

  2. haha.
    I adore pinterest but I probably go on every couple of weeks realistically. I get a good 4 hour fix and I'm good for weeks. One can only pin so much and learn about what everyone else is pinning around the world before they just want to go walk around the lake :).

    I have an odd love for your blog layout that goes beyond aesthetics. I love the colors and softness and if I had the money mine would resemble yours exactly... Well, with different names and pictures and writings :).

    I hope you do well at the craft fair :)!

    I AM BEYOND ELATED for THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!! I wish I could go see it with everyone and anyone who appreciates it including you!

    If you ever want to tell someone how talented your man is I am always here. I love women who love their men for who they are. I plan to be one someday Lord willing.



  3. alright - i just came across your blog and the fact that the first couple things i read about are the hunger games makes me in love with your blog already! ha finish up the 3rd book, you'll love it! xo

    newest follower,

  4. So, Hunger Games...
    Cannot wait to see the movie! I was in tears at the end of the third book. (I'm a rather emotional girl)

    Gotye is actually amazing. What makes him even more awesome is that he's from Melbourne, Australia.

    Hope you do well at the craft fair. Praying for ya, girl! <3


  5. im rubbish at planning posts

  6. "I don't like creating something and having someone ask me if I got the idea from Pinterest. No I did not, it came from my very own brain."

    for. real.

  7. i feel the same way about pinterest. there was an exclusivity to it before... but now, there are so many people it's gotten muddied. i don't know - i do still go on for spurts of inspiration and ideas, but it's merely just as that. i enjoy people who have their own creativity to integrate too... and like you, get annoyed when everything comes down to "did you see that on pinterest?"

    anyways, this post was real; i enjoyed it. i've been following for a while, but don't really comment :) ahah. suppose it's never too late to start.

    since i'm on a roll, i'll throw in a shameless plug. i'm hosting a GIVEAWAY right now on my blog if you're interested. not sponsored, not a shop looking to establish anything... just a kindred spirit blogger saying thanks!



  8. I am so so so excited for the Hunger Games movie as well :). I completely understand what you mean about people saying you got the idea from pinterest, it's slightly rude when they don't realize that it was your own idea, not a copy cat version. I am also craving blog redesign when I technically just started my blog...I just love doing it :).

  9. oh my gosh, you and I are freakishly way too similar. I decided to not finish Harry Potter because I didn't want the series to end. To this day I haven't even finished watching the movies..

    found the route
