
a word of encouragement

The last few months I've been challenged to trust God in a very unique way, not only for the situations in my life, but of the situations in the lives of those closest to me. The biggest question I am always faced with when talking with those who don't believe in God is, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" It's true, sometimes bad things do happen to incredible people, people who in my opinion deserve nothing but good and wonderful things. While I know the answer isn't a favored one, and sometimes you just want to throw up your hands and say, it's not fair, you have to know that God isn't making anything happen, he's simply allowing it. "Well, why is He allowing it?", you may ask. The answer is simple and something I've learned time and time again and it's something we can glean from His word; in our weakness, He is made strong. Through these situations that literally take the life out of us, we are stronger everyday that we wake up, stronger every time we choose not to give up, stronger every single moment that we overcome. The truth is, that no situation is too big. God has made us overcomers, people capable of enduring and persevering through more than we ever thought imaginable. Be not overcome by your situation, but overcome your situation.

I think of every circumstance I've ever faced, every obstacle I've overcome, every mountain I've climbed and every valley I've fearfully walked through and somehow, I'm still amazed that I made it through all of it and am who I am today. Put me through those first situations years ago knowing what I know now, it would be a breeze. Why? Because I had to go through it to know; to know just how strong I really am, to know just how big my God really is, and to trust that there is a plan and there is always a victory waiting for us.

I don't know what giants you may find yourself up against, I don't know if you're going through a valley or feeling broken, unwanted or empty; I do know that there is a purpose, however confusing it may feel, God is with you, there is still fight in you, this situation can only get the best of you if you let it. Otherwise, it can be one of those life changing events where you turned and looked at yourself and found a strength that you didn't even know was there. 

If you have a need, something you feel too insecure to share with those you know, leave a comment below, or email me; I want to pray for you. I want you to know that you're not alone and there will be no judgement here. I hope this helped somebody feel a strength rise up within them, that they didn't feel before. Have a sweet day!



  1. You don't know how much I needed to read the words in this post, I've recently suffered multiple deaths in the family and dealing with a major health scare on my mothers part and God has worked through you to calm my soul. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Lovely! This post makes it my reading life really worth the while. Surviving really means a lot to everyone but yours is definitely soul inspiring. TC XO

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  3. You made me cry. Words I've known, heard from the mouth of others and even told myself. But still words I need often. I'm a new reader of yours and feel a little weird about sharing...but want to...because I want prayer.
    My husband and I are dealing with infertility, and its hard. I'm feeling broken and useless, I guess its hard cause I'm a woman and I feel like I should be able to, uh, reproduce well.
    we have one beautiful son already, and I feel guilty asking the Lord for another child.
    But it is the desire of my heart, and I feel to distant from the lord right now to understand His will.
    I'm broken...

  4. Melisa,
    Your honesty and wisdom is so beautifully incorporated into this post. Thank you for being a light where you are.
    There is never an easy answer to why bad things happen- it almost always comes down to the fact that we live in a compromised world because of sin. It isn't what God originally intended it to be, but because of human's decision to sin, life became less perfect, and consequences of that affect everyones life- even good people. I know it hurts God as much as it does us when bad stuff happens. He never intended for us to live this way. Thank goodness He made a way for us with Jesus. I appreciate how you reminded all of us that through the tough stuff, God is still glorified in our lives, and making us more Christ like.
    xo. Little Miss

  5. Wow. I just teared up reading this post. God's timing is impeccable. I just found out some news yesterday that shook my world up. Just yesterday, I posted on my blog how even as a Christian, I had never really "had" to trust God and now that I do...I'm a little unsure how to.

    So thank you, this post was beyond encouraging to me.

  6. This is beautifully written! I just had to stop "lurking" and comment. Thank you for this!

  7. this is what I need today -overcome the situation, x

  8. I like your blog. God is our comforter and our ultimate peace hugger. He gives us peace. Period. It's always good to know that there is a sister in christ who blogs boldly about him.

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    Greetings from the Philippines!

  9. Anonymous9.3.12

    I could use a little pray and you just had mine in return :)
