
alive and well

This past month has been just a whirlwind of life changing events. Over the last few days, a number of insanely exciting things have taken place and I want to share with you, so I'm going to do that thing where I word vomit all over this post. Work for you?? Yay for excitement!

First off, I got a job! I've had several side job type things since graduating, but I got offered a pretty nice position last week and have decided to take it! hooray!

Yesterday, I bought a car!! (and there was much rejoicing) If you don't know what kind of car I had previously, it isn't terribly exciting news. So in order for you to fully appreciate this statement let me tell you about Lucinda. Lucinda was (and still is) a 2001 gold Pontiac Grand Am. She was given to me by my loving father my Junior year of high school in 2005. She was a dream come true at this point. Over the years I was good to her and she was good to me, but she got sick (so to speak) and began to die a slow and painful death. Her windows wouldn't roll up or down so folders were wedged in to keep them in place, someone knocked her side mirror off so duct tape was used for a few weeks until we finally just took it off completely, she had an odd clicking sound in her cd player, she would leak along the door every time it rained, causing puddles in the floor, when at a stop or incline, and she would often stall out and die (which was awesome)... these are only the major issues she dealt with, but I wouldn't want to shame her completely by sharing every painful detail of her inadequacy. Truth is, she was a good car and she got me to the point in my life where I would be able to purchase a new car, and for that I am grateful. Do you think I'm insane for naming my car and referring to her as a "she"? Well don't, cause I'm not. I just know how lame life would've been with no car, so I'm happy I had one and I'm even happier that I have a much more superior one. Humble beginnings. OH, silly me, I didn't even share what my new car is; a Hyundai Tucson GLS. It is love.

I shared with you a few weeks ago that I would be participating in a craft festival called Walk the Light on March 24th, and they have since put together an artist page! If you want to check it out and see my bio, you can go here

And since we're on the topic of craft fairs, I'm very very (VERY) happy to announce that Pie N' the Sky will be at this year's Renegade Craft Fair in Austin!!! If you live anywhere in the Texas area, I definitely think you should come! And if you are from far away then hop on a plane and come anyway! We will be there May 19-20; I hope you can make it, I would just love to meet all of you!!

That's it friends! It's a whole lot to take in and sometimes I sit back and think "is this really my life?" I'm happy things work out; if this past month or so has taught me anything, it's that God is faithful. He doesn't forget about us and He'll see us through to the very end, blessing us with so much that we don't deserve. Hope you have a lovely day!



  1. Sounds like an exciting life you've been having! Your car is so pretty :)

    <3 Sharmaine Ruth

  2. Anonymous13.3.12

    I drive a Hyundai Sonata and I love it. Hyundai cars are pretty awesome.

  3. I have a hyundai tuscon and I LOVE it! I bought it when I was getting ready to have Miller and it has never left me stranded or really had any really problems. You got a good one!

  4. Yay for all the good news! Where are you working now?
    I also agree that God does not forget about us, after going through a rut things are starting to look up and opportunities are coming my way.

  5. I'm so happy for you sweetie! This is all awesome! Congrats on the job, car & craftiness!

  6. Congrats on the new car and the craft fair! That's so exciting!

  7. eeeeekkkk!!! ill probably get to meet you at renegade this year!!!!

  8. I have the same car....my "Charlie" LOL!!!!!!

    I got it in December!


