
bits + pieces

I really enjoy sewing. I'm not a pro or anything, but I find it relaxing and extremely rewarding. I was so excited when my sweet friend Kalli asked me to make bowties for the groomsmen in her upcoming wedding. I love love taking part in wedding crafts. I mostly like the idea of creating something uniquely for the couple; something remembered in the photographs that will be cherished throughout their marriage. It's quite the responsibility, but as I said; very rewarding. 

I spent the last two days working on these lovelies and I think they came out great. I had only ever made the Mr. one bowtie before, so I was a little nervous, but it wasn't terribly difficult. I'm thinking of adding a few to the shop! I have a few friends who have been anxiously awaiting me to say those words, haha! 

You'll have to forgive my absence these last few days. Not only was I tediously working on all of these, but I've also been trying to prepare for my upcoming craft show! So many new things being added and lots of little details that need working out. I'm excited, but slowly getting exhausted. This upcoming week might kill me. I hope it doesn't, because I'd really really like to make it to Friday night to watch the HUNGER GAMES! hooray! Are you going to the midnight showing??



  1. Sewing is very relaxing for me too. I really need to organize my life and make more time for it.

  2. Hi Melisa! So glad I found your blog! Those bowties are adorable! Although, maybe I should say handsome considering they're for men? Anyhow, I love them. Good luck at the craft show- what an fun/exciting event!


  3. These photographs are amazing...I'm just starting to get used to close-ups like these, it's pretty fun. And you're right, sewing is very relaxing :)

  4. These are adorable! I so have to make these now :D Cutest idea ever! I love bow ties!

    <3 Sharmaine Ruth

  5. Aww! How cute :) Definitely sell some of these cuties!
    xo Heather

  6. These are so lovely. The colors are so sweet :) At some point, I sewed myself a hair bow—though I have since had to put my machine in storage :(

    This makes me want to go get it :)

  7. Oh these are just so sweet! I see a lot of upcoming wedding sewing in your future! ;)

  8. ay yay ay. THE HUNGER GAMES. everyone is hungry for the hunger games. love it.



  9. love the handmade bowties! they look awesome/ i might try to copy them for my fiance when we get married!

  10. I love to sew as well. I just love creating, it makes me so happy. These bowties are so adorable!

