

Spring is upon us people! The sun is shining and the birds are singing, and I've been on a whole redecorating kick! Recently he Mr and one of our friends created this necklace holder for my booth. I've just been smitten with it ever since and instead of storing it away, I decided to put it to good use! I put it on my make shift nightstand (a pile of suitcases) and I just love having everything right by my side. 

Inlike most people, I like to get ready in the morning in front of a small mirror I prop on my bed while I watch tv, cause that makes sense, right? Anywhos, it's nice having everything in arms reach! Thought I'd snap a few photos and share with you. I just love the little details. And I've actually added a few things since taking these photos, oops.

Have a lovely weekend friends! I have a long week of work ahead, so I'm going to enjoy the rest of this day with design, rest and completely delicious (and probably unhealthy) nachos with friends!


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