
shop update

I just finished up with a little shop update. Some of you were asking about these items when you saw photos of my booth, so I thought I'd list a few. You can purchase and view them in the shop! These Geo Rings are definitely some of my most favorite! I love a good statement piece! Hope you enjoy!

Y'all have been ever supportive as of late and as a thank you I made the code "SWEETREADER", you can use it at the checkout to receive 15% off your order. Can't beat that! 

I'm excited to have the day off and enjoy a good date day with the Mr. What do you have planned for the weekend?



  1. Those Geo Rings are so cute. Haven't seen any quite like them. I'll have to buy one when I can. :)

    lacey @ lovely-21

  2. Anonymous30.3.12

    I am in love with those journals, i have been looking like one like this! It's perfect! I hope I can get one soon! :)
    xo, Tori

  3. Ahh I loved this and wanted to order but when I checked out it said you do not ship to Saudi Arabia :(
