
a day at the opera

The Mr gifted me with tickets to the opera for valentine's day and we got to go this last weekend! It was all I could've hoped for! Little known fact, for a significant portion of my life, I longed to be an opera singer. I loved singing classically and wanted nothing more than to devote my life to the stage. As I continued to grow, I realized that I was meant to go in a different direction in my singing career. I'm so happy with where I'm at now, but a piece of my heart will always belong to the opera. This day meant so much to me.

 We saw The Marriage of Figaro and it was just lovely! The sets were beautiful, the story was funny, and the singing... I can't even. It was perfect and I just had to share. If you haven't been before, you should!



  1. I love the opera! That must have been amazing to watch and it's so cool that you wanted to be an opera singer before! :)

    <3 Sharmaine Ruth

  2. What a sweet date! The theater looks so cool! Love the program design, too.

  3. Sounds lovely! I want to go to an opera some day. I've been to a lovely musical at a large children's theatre company but never an opera! I think I'll have to check one out this summer! Sounds like the perfect date for you!

  4. I would love to go to the opera, but I'm afraid I don't have anyone in my social circle that would join me... so I remain an opera virgin. Looks like a lovely theatre and I can imagine Figaro's Wedding is a really good first experience for someone who hasn't been...

  5. Aww it sounds lovely. Your boyfriend sounds like a keeper too getting you such a sweet present.

  6. There is something so special about the Opera.
    I love it

  7. Love the poster and program design!! gorgeous.
