
seven is the perfect number

Today the Mr. and I will have been together officially for seven years. We were friends before then, but he asked me to be his girlfriend today, seven years ago, after a Rocket Summer concert. It was pretty great. 

I'm really happy that I'm his lady and he remains to be my mr, but more than that I am so happy we're still best friends. It amazes me that after seven years and after we've changed SO much, we've managed to continue to move in the same direction together. This isn't a sappy post about love, but merely a small one of gratitude. I am so very grateful he is in my life and I make it a point everyday to tell him how much he means to me, and visa versa. He is sweet and kind to me; and I want for nothing. I am so lucky and most days he is too. Happy we found eachother!

Now, here are seven photos of our seven years, but not so much of the early ones... mostly because we weren't digital back then, but also mostly because the interweb doesn't need to see 15 year old Melisa (eeep!)


sidenote: my friend Jamilla painted that first image of us; it's my favorite ever!


  1. Ahhh this is so sweet :) Congrats on your anniversary :D My mister and I just had our 3rd anniversary a couple of weeks ago, we're 18 and we've been together since we were 15. I think it's so amazing to see how couples (especially ones that started dating so young) grow and change, but manage to still be perfect for each other. You and your mister are just plain adorable!

  2. Anonymous30.5.12

    Congrats on your anniversary! You guys are too darn adorable! I hope you continue to grow together, alongside each other.

  3. Happy 7 years to you!!! My husband and I also had a long...boyfriend/girlfriendship? Haha.

  4. Love this. Especially the part about how you changed but continued to move together. I've never thought about it that way before and that is quite beautiful.

    HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. SEVEN years. What a perfect number! And the start to many more!

  5. Aww this is such an adorable post :) Happy 7 years! Congrats on your anniversary :)

    <3 Sharmaine Ruth

  6. Happy anniversary! The painted picture of you guys is too cute!

  7. Anonymous30.5.12

    This is beautiful! Congratulations! Now when's the wedding ;)

  8. cuteeeee. i especially love that painting.

  9. Anonymous31.5.12

    You guys are too cute!! :) Congrats to your longlasting relationship!

  10. Congratulatons, sweet girl! p.s. I adore your new header! It looks lovely.

  11. I love celebrating anniversaries. :) And that painted picture of you is awesome! Did you do it or commission someone else?
