
fall favorites

I'm not sure where you live or what the weather has been like in your neck of the woods, but here in Texas it's feeling more and more like Fall every day! I love love it! I'm so excited that I put together a few new looks I can't wait to sport this upcoming season! 
LOOK ONE  //  This is a great transition piece. Here in my hometown it's still a bit humid, so I would throw this on and maybe a light sweater and enjoy some thrifting or lunch with the mr. on a sunny day!

LOOK TWO  //  This look still has all of the light and pretty colors of Spring which I love! I love it because it would work on a more sunny day, but throw some tights on and grab a cardigan and you're all set or a day out with your girlfriends!

LOOK THREE  //  Who doesn't love an animal on their sweater?? This look is probably my fave because I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to getting ready. I like looks that make it seem like I worked hard to achieve, without actually having to work hard to achieve, ha! Anybody else with me? This look would be perfect for running errands or sitting at your local coffee shop with your laptop!

LOOK FOUR  //  This look is a little darker and perfect for a movie date with your Mr. It's comfy, but still classy, which I'm all about! I love a comfortable outfit that still looks great.

LOOK FIVE  //  This look is clearly the classiest and perfect for a special date night. I love to dress up just as much as the next girl and this outfit is perfection. I love simple with pops of color. 

What outfit best suits your personality? Is there anything you absolutely cannot wait to start wearing this upcoming season?? I've already started to pull out my scarves and sweaters! haha! I just can't wait!

xo. Melisa

footnote: I made these using polyvore. feel free to visit and see some of my other collections!

tips on living a full life

I've been challenged recently to start living a fuller life. The kind of life that people look back on and think, "she really lived." The kind of life filled with adventure, comedy and romance.  The kind of life that could write a book about itself. That's the life I want to lead. Here's a few tips I've found to help me along this journey.

Stop trying to please others. I know how easy it is to be swayed by others' opinions, especially when it's those closest to you, but at the end of the day, it's your life lady! The only person who truly knows what's best for you, the only one who knows what you are fully capable of... is you! Sometimes learning to say no can be one of our biggest challenges, but it's so freeing once you do. Tuning out the negativity - the words that keep you from believing in yourself, is such a key to living a fuller life. Believe in yourself and don't let anyone bring you down.

Seize the day. Every day, every moment, every decision is an opportunity to enrich your life. Whether it's negative or positive, however you react, will determine the effect it will have on you. I've recently become so overwhelmed with the thought that I only have one chance, you know? Like, I will never go back to high school, I will never be 23 again, everything that I'm doing, every day that I'm living, will only happen once. It freaks me out, but it's also really challenging! It makes me want to fill my days with excitement and memorable moments that I can look back on and say, "yeah, I lived!"

Surround yourself with happiness. Have you ever been around someone and they just seem to suck the life out of the room every time their around? Those people are no fun and not only should you not be one of those people, but you should try to not surround yourself with them either. It's really quite hard to maintain a positive attitude when everyone around you is being a Debbie Downer. You should make friends that encourage you, motivate you and inspire you to better yourself.

Do something you never thought possible. Give yourself a challenge. I like to randomly give myself a goal throughout the week and once I reach it I give myself a little reward. I think this started when I was in college, because I really enjoy looking forward to things. To move myself along and keep from getting restless, I would give myself mini goals to reach throughout the weeks or months. It really helped me to maintain a positive attitude on an otherwise unexciting project or routine. Challenge yourself to do something you've always wanted to do and don't be afraid to give yourself a deadline - heck, even ask one of your friends to keep you accountable. Push yourself to do what now seems impossible, but what may someday become the norm.

Don't be afraid to dream again. I've written several times about the importance of holding onto our dreams, but I think it's just as important to dream a new dream. The moment we give up on what could be, we grow satisfied with the what is. I don't simply want to be content, I want to be overwhelmingly pleased with my life. I don't think that's asking too much. Some of us never get to live out our dreams because we're too busy living out our fears; and that's the honest truth.

Stay healthy. You only get one body and you're stuck with each other for the rest of your life, so you might as well take good care of it, no? Eating right, exercising, staying energized, these are all things that will have a positive effect on you. I mean, have you ever really heard anyone say, "my life sucks, I'm so fit, I hardly ever get sick and I just ran 5 miles for the heck of it..." And we all heard a resounding, no! Because people who feel good about themselves, feel good about their life, who they're becoming and what the future holds. I'm sure there's some science behind that, but I'll let you go ahead and research that on your own, but just try and prove me wrong, I dare you!

Start doing things for yourself. Treat yourself to something extravagant - for some us that's an ice cream cone, for others it's a pedicure - just take time to tell yourself "I appreciate all you do." It can become easy being the "yes girl," but sometimes you have to say no. And you know what I've learned? That's okay! No, is not a bad word, in fact it's a freedom word. I mean, don't go using it all the time, be helpful and kind, but not every battle is yours to fight. Take a moment for you each day and remember that there's only one of you and you deserve happiness too.

I hope you start living a fuller life. I know that I am challenged daily to try and abide by these tips, and trust me, it's not easy! We're all a work in progress, but I'm happy I have friends to come along with me.

xo. Melisa


Sponsor PS in September

As Summer is quickly coming to an end I find myself so very excited for the new direction Pie N' the Sky will be taking in the month of September. I'll be doing a full post on what this means in the upcoming week. I am however so very thrilled to be starting new blog friendships with my new sponsors! I'd love for you to join in on all the new fun. If you're interested in taking part, you can venture on over to this page to get the details then email me at Melisaholguin@gmail.com & I'll ge thou all set up! Perfect!

A little giveaway  //  Win a medium ad spot for the month of September! I will announce the winner on September 1st!  

Your main entry  //   Leave your name and link to your blog/business that you would like to advertise! 

Additional Entries  //  (please leave one comment per bonus entry):
1. Follow Pie N' the Sky via GFC (on the left sidebar).
2. Follow Pie N' the Sky via Bloglovin.
3. Like Pie N' the Sky on Facebook.
4. Tweet about it! @Melisashell is giving away a free medium ad space for the month of September! 

Have a sweet week y'all!! 

xo. Melisa


ch ch ch changes

Lately I've felt like I'm in a funk. Does that ever happen to you? I've had this little blog for three years now. I feel like it's grown and grown into something I never even dreamt of. I love it. I love blogging. I'm just trying to find my voice again. I know this sounds dramatic; it's not. I'm just sure you've noticed that it's been a bit quiet around here for the last few months. I want you to know that there's a process and I'm simply going through it. I think there's some exciting things in store for Pie N' the Sky, I'm just trying to figure out which way we're gonna go - reorganizing/prioritizing. This is exciting, but also kind of nerve wracking. I know it'll be worth it, but how many of you know that new beginnings can be scary? I hope you all will bare with me, as I truly do believe the start of something great is just around the corner. Thanks.

xo. Melisa



I've never been a fan of change.
I like the idea of growing and the excitement of newness.
However, the concept of change is scary; let's just be honest.
This last year has been nothing but change.
I decided to make a list, as I do, to help me figure out this thing called change.

1..... Learn to let go
I think my first instinct is to hold on to the things I know and feel comfortable with. Because those are the things that I feel make me who I am. Changing involves so much of us learning to let go, that I think it's what weighs the heaviest on us. For the most part we like our lives, we like the things that make it ours, and the thought of losing something is never a good feeling. I like to see it as our hands being full - full with a job, a home, friends and routines - change is not just taking those things we hold dearly out of our hands, but rather replacing them with things we will one day cherish even more. 

2..... Embrace the change
You've let the past go, now be bold and move forward. Accept the fact that change is not something happening to you, but for you. Change helps us to grow, mature, and ultimately become the person we dream of being. It's not easy, but things worth having, rarely are. Be someone who is courageous, who seeks out adventure and takes on any challenge with determination. I've always been one to shy away and go with the flow, but recently I find myself wanting for more, understanding that my life is only limited by my unwillingness to change and grow. 

3..... See yourself in a new light
Sometimes I find myself feeling like I'm pretending to be somebody. Like I still feel like I'm a sixteen year old girl, who just wants to hangout with friends and make pretty things, who has trouble speaking up in big crowds and is terribly insecure; but then I remember I've grown up - I'm an adult, someone who has a voice and is confident in who she is! But really, sometimes it's hard to see ourselves as grown up. I like to do this thing, where I stop what I'm doing and remind myself of who I am - it sounds crazy, but it gives me perspective. I do this to the mr sometimes too and he mostly thinks I'm crazy, but appreciates it. It usually goes something like this.... "You're 24 years old, you live in Texas, you bought your very own car and you have a salary, you pay your own bills and every friend you have, you made on your own, you are doing cool things with your life and 15 year old you, would probably look up to you." It's silly, I know! Don't judge me, but it helps. It's good to pause and see yourself for who you really are, today. Sometimes we get caught thinking we're still who we were five years ago, but we've changed so much, grown in ways we didn't realize and become someone we never stopped to even look at. 

4..... Enjoy it
Change is going to happen whether you want it or not, so you might as well take it for what it is and be happy to be a part! Every day is an opportunity and I don't say that to be a cliche, but to truly encourage you (and myself) to not take for granted any moment. They aren't lying, the older you get the faster the years go. Slowing down time isn't an option, so I'm choosing to make the most of the time I have and become the best me I can possibly be. 

Here's to change!  Melisa


a new camera

I bought a Nikon D90. I've been saving up for quite some time and the mr bought me my lens for my birthday, so all I needed was the body. I decided to go for it and I couldn't be happier with it. It's SO much better than my previous camera, though I will always love my little Sony. I still have much to learn, but I'm pleased with my new baby. Above are a few shots I took on my drive home from the camera shop. 

I've also been really interested in finding a bag for it and getting a pretty strap! I've considered making my own, after seeing some of these way cute ideas...

found at Design Love Fest

found at Sketch42

If you happen to know of any good DIY's or shops that sell pretty bags or straps, let me know! Thanks so much!



WEAR :: leaps of lace

details  //  dress & belt: urban outfitters, shoes: aldo, necklace: snash jewelry, 
fox ring & bracelets: forever 21, arrowhead & gold nugget ring: pie n' the sky

Sometimes you have a good day so you've just gotta jump, right? Well I've had a very busy but pretty wonderful week. Any time I find myself wanting for nothing but sleep, I remind myself how blessed I am to actually have things to do - blessed to have a job, blessed to be a part of church, blessed to have friends who want to hangout with me. A busy life is a full life and I am so very thankful!

Hope you're having a lovely week!

xo. Melisa 



Have you all heard of eide?? I recently stumbled upon this lovely magazine and I'm just smitten. The pages are filled with so much inspiration, I just love it. They're trying to turn their magazine into an app, which I think is a wonderful idea. You can get the whole scoop here & see how you can take part in the effort. Hope you enjoy!

xo. Melisa


shop my closet

Hi lovelies. I just posted a few new pretty things from my closet! Go here to see if you see something you like! Hope you're having a sweet weekend!!

xo. Melisa


starfish crown diy

What girl doesn't like to have hear hair adorned with stars? With Summer beginning to leave us, I thought I'd create a fun accessory to remember the sunshine and trips to the pool! This is a way easy diy and perfect for making that summer dress a little more fun!

supplies: ribbon, hot glue, starfish (I picked mine up at hobby lobby)

1  //  Wrap ribbon around your head to measure the width, add approx. 6-8 inches to the ends so you have enough leftover to tie it in a bow, and cut. 

2  //  Plug your hot glue gun in, once it's heated up, dab a little circle of glue onto your starfish. I did mine on the outside  
of the starfish so you could see the lines still (this side held the glue much better and kept it from creeping into the crevices)

3   //  Have fun positioning your starfish and play with the different sizes. While placing them I started in the middle and went evenly out the sides.

I love how dainty it is & how pretty it looks just hang in out in my room!

xo. Melisa


a sale

treat yourself to something pretty from the shop!


I bought the mr a bike.

Elisha celebrated his golden birthday a few days ago. I decided to make it extra special and buy him his dream bike. It was really exciting being able to give it to him. I saved and saved for months and months - so it was extra rewarding, knowing how hard I had worked, and seeing how happy he was. He's already planning on doing his first triathlon! If any of you all are bikers (or bicyclists?) we'd appreciate any tips you may have! Thanks!

xo. Melisa