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Today I am just desperate to change the world! Do you
ever have those days? They're pretty great... I feel
creativity exploding from me and all I want to do is
EVERYTHING! ha:) I sound like a mad woman i'm sure,
but i'm just so anxious to do. I know that God can and
will use each and every one of us, if we are only willing.
Today I say to God; God, I am willing! Use me!

I hope your day is beautiful! Remember, we can change
this world one person at a time. Don't get discouraged,
the little things count too. Thank you for being my friend.
Love Mel


Ten Lovelies.

This past weekend has been so lovely. Mostly because i'm with boyfriend and he makes my heart so very happy, soo in leu of my happy heart I bring to you ten love things.

#Lovely fawn

#Lovely Cupcake

#Lovely Spring Dress

#Looovely HairPretty

#Lovely Strawberry Bus Stop

#Lovely Girl

#Lovely Day

#Lovely Nails

#Lovely Philosophy

#Lovely Flowers

I hope your day is just loverly.
xo. Melisa


Hi. Hello. Oi. Hola.

Today was just peachy; like one of those days that isn't
going right, but nothing's gone wrong so you have no
complaints...yeah, that was today. I'm working on some
pretty things right now and am quite excited to start
painting again:)
I see Mr. Garcia in 1 day! Cannot wait! I'm going to make
it a point to take many more pictures this time too:)
This is what's inspiring me tonight...

Random? Well yes of course, but there's such
beauty in everything and I hope you take the
time to appreciate God's creation...from dogs
to flowers, God is in everything.
I hope you have a lovely night with kind dreams.
xoxo. Melisa


Hi World!

I've been a busy bee and I have lots I want to share.
Unfortunately I can't until later, but I wanted to leave
you some inspiration for your Monday morning.

I hope your day is sunshine. Be loved.


Happy March!

Hello Lovelies! BIG things are happening at Pie N' the Sky! case you haven't heard:) Headbands for
Haiti was launched this Sunday. Two special and unique headbands are being sold to help aid in the relief of Haiti vicitms. ALL proceeds will go towards this cause.

-Also- I've decided that all Pie N' the Sky customers that make a purchase during the month of March will be entered into a drawing to win a free headband! The winner will get to choose a headband of their choice! The winner will be announced March 31st! Eeeeee! Exciting:) And now, I will share with you four things that you probably didn't know about me...

1. I would really enjoy owning a little pig. I think they're handsome:)

2. I remind myself of this daily.

3. I've always wanted to be a red head with freckles. ha. I just think it's so pretty!

4. I would love to live here!

You are beautiful. Have a lovely night.
Thank you for reading:)
XO, Melisa