PS About shop portfolio


Hi guess what?

Today was pretty wonderful. I got to work on the spring
collection for my Pie N' the Sky shop on Etsy:) I'm quite
pleased with what i've created so far. I'm hoping to have
my update this week. Stay tuned for details on time and
In other news, I am 13 days from seeing Mr. Garcia and
I simply cannot wait! I got a new scarf to help keep me
warm while I'm there {mostly cause it's freezing there...
mostly}. Did I mention my scarf was only 4 dollars?? I
love deals!!
I also love cute bears^_^

Enjoy your day and do something nice for someone.xo.
Loves, Melisa


I need warmth.

It's rainy and gloomy and all I can think of is this...

I'd really like to go to Starbucks and read. If I finish my to
do's then I'm going to treat myself:) Are you having a good
day? I sure hope so.



I'm so wiped. I had such a very long day filled with to do's
and didn't really get to stop til now, and I wish I had
energy to write a long pretty letter with profound quotes
that you could carry with you throughout life and enhance
your world view with verbal dialogue, but I simply don't have
it in me. So I will leave you with this lovely thought.
Sometimes the best things in life just don't make sense.

X's and O's. Melisa


I love today.

God is doing such amazing things in my life. It's in the
darkest moments that I seem to find the brightest bursts
of light! I love it! You know what else I love??

1. Teepee Hotels. Need I say more.

2. Buttons, buttons and more buttons!

3. Writing songs^_^

4. And of Course, cute pugs in fancy bags!

I hope life is treating you well, you deserve the best,
don't forget it!

xo, Melisa

5 Things I love... Monday!

I love that even when you're not in the best of
moods, something beautiful is still beautiful.
So this weeks edition of five things I love will
be related to things I find absolutely beautiful.

1. Smiles.

2.Baby animals! eeeep!

3. The Oregon Mountains... I guess all mountains, but
I'm a bit biased^_^

4. Trees! I reeeally love trees!

5. Daydreaming.

I love you all too! xo, Mel.



Happy Saturday All!
I've been crafting all day and it's been so wonderful! I
can't wait to post them so y'all can see! Because I just
can't help myself, here's a little peak at one my new
spring inspired headbands! Tell me what you think. I'm
always looking for new ideas:)

I have also been filling my day with tons of inspiration,
so here a bit of what's inspiring me today.

Sunshine and rainbows, Melisa


It's beginning to look a lot like Spring

Well it's officially getting warmer outside and that means
I can start riding my bike! She looks something like this...

I am so so so happy that it is Friday! Now, only 3 more
weeks til I see boyfriend^_^
Side-note about myself: I love love countdowns. They bring
hope and give me something to look forward to, which is
way fun!
Hope you're having a productively fun day!


Up to something...

Do you ever feel like your life is reaching a pinnacle
moment in time and some life altering thing is
about to take place? I feel that way right now! It's
kind of a scary feeling, but awkwardly exciting too...
I just feel like God is up to something and while it
may not be the most comfortable experience, there's
something intensely peaceful about knowing that
your life is headed in the right direction. There's a
little piece of my life.
In other news, I made a few new pieces for my
Pie N' The Sky etsy shop!! Very Spring inspired! I'm
thinking a mini update is in store...hmm...
maybe next week? We'll see^_^
And now, for the sweetest little video you will ever see!
Get your tissue and enjoy.

Just wonderful.
Love, Melisa



I'm working on something pretty tonight.
Pictures to come!
Until then, enjoy a little bit of inspiration...

Oh I love loveliness!

Something Exciting

So my school has decided to launch a new campaign for missions for the next 10 years. Part of this lovely idea is an assignment of every country to each student. So I have now adopted the nation of Honduras! I'm pretty excited to learn all about this country and hopefully someday even visit it:) I'll be praying everyday for these people and their needs and as I learn new things i'll be posting new info. I would love if you would join me in prayer for this nation! I know that God listens to our prayers.
In other news, I will be visiting my Mr. in exactly 23 days^_^

I have also been informed that during this time there may be snow. I don't do well with cold so i'm a bit weary. However, I cannot wait to see the lovely people of Germantown!

Hope you're having a lovely day! xo Melisa


Nerd Alert.

Good afternoon!
I had a busy busy day and it's not
even over:( I do however have lovely
news. After ten years, I have finally
gotten a new pair of glasses! (applause)
They're fancy and at the moment things
are a bit distorted, but I can finally see
clearly! They're Kate Spade and they
came in this adorable case...

I just think all of her stuff is so cute!
Especially this dress...

And this planner...

I just love it, mostly because I just LOVE to plan!

I now must return to doing the endless list of things
to do. I pretend to hate long lists, but deep down I
think I love them, but don't tell anyone^_^
Have a wonderful night!


Five Things I Love... Monday!

Hello! It's a new week and i'm here to share
with you five things that I just adore!

1. Fancy wall murals.

2. Pretty pretty tights.

3. Nicely wrapped packages.

4. Hunter rain boots. I want!

5. Holga, herself. Very soon this little
beauty will be mine^_^

And that's all for now. I'm headed back to
my humble abode so i'll check in later.
Hope your day is off to a lovely start.

xo, Melisa


And so it begins.

Hello world!
Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Melisa and i'm a simple girl who loves beautiful things. If you let me, i'd like to write to you each day in the hopes of bringing you a little bit of inspiration, a dash of hope and a smidge of sunshine.
Happy Sunday! Melisa