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Under my Umbrella

This photo is simply magical. I can't help but smile and feel inspired. Don't you agree??
I'm very sleepy, so I'm going to take a nap before dinner, but I'll come back later with a proper post.

xo. Melisa


Giveaway Winner!

SO, I like to find new fun ways to pick giveaway winners and this time I decided to try something different! I text the Mr. and told him to pick a number between 1 and 22 (the number of entries) and the number he chose would correspond with a person! Well, he picked, and the winner is...

Thank you to everyone for participating!! I'll be having another giveaway soon, so please check back :) 

Loves. Melisa



This is what's inspiring me today...

I'm loving forest green right now... And those bears are too cute, scary in person I'm sure, but cute in this photo^_^ I'll announce the giveaway winner tomorrow, so please check back! Til then, sweet dreams.

loves. Melisa

Wardrobe Wednesday: What I Wore

Normally I don't post a "What I Wore," but I decided it was time for a change^_^ I'm enjoying the last few days of sunshine before that Fall weather rolls in.

Skirt: American Apparel
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Sandals: My Mom's Closet
Bow: Pie N' the Sky

Don't forget to go sign up for the giveaway! You still have time, I'll be announcing the winner tomorrow!! Good luck.

xo. Melisa


Just something to inspire

I don't know about you, but I find inspiration in most everything. For me, it could be a photo, a simple melody, a tree, or a color... I love being inspired, and I came to the realization that I used to post many more inspiration posts than I do now... I'm going to work on this. This will be the first of many more inspirational posts to come. Hope it gets those creative juices flowin.

Pretty spectacular, no? What inspires you most?? I'd love to know what helps you create, or just makes you pensive... Sweet dreams.

xo. Melisa

Etsy Tuesday Treasures.

The prettiest Iphone covers I ever did see!

A sweet friendly reminder towel^_^
Preeeeeetty Pen!

This little Narwhal is far too cute.

xo. Melisa!

PS: Don't forget to sign up for the giveaway below! I'll be announcing the winner on Thursday!!


Giveaway: Vintage Love

And now for the final giveaway for the month!! A beautiful selection of three lovely brand new vintage inspired pieces^_^ This giveaway includes: one headband, one barrette bow, and a sweet little ring {it's adjustable so it'll fit anyone!} I know I may be biased, but I must admit that these are really really pretty. AND they look even lovelier in person. To enter, just sign your full name in the comments!

xo. Melisa

Urban Day

So, the Mr. and I have a little tradition we like to do; it's called Urban Day. We drive to Dallas and go to Urban Outfitters and a delicious restaurant called Urban Taco. It's not really extravagant, but it's special and we only do it once in awhile. This Sunday was an Urban Day! :) We got struck in wicked traffic though, which led to these...

Yeah, we're silly, but we had a lot of time to kill... :)

xo. Melisa

Music Monday: Swift

Well, I'm not sure if y'all are fans, but I sure am. Today Taylor Swift's new album comes out and yes, I have been waiting quite some time for it. I think it's just the girly side of me that just loves sweet love songs^_^ And i'll be honest, I just like the girl. She's seems so nice and I appreciate her classiness; unlike many of the young starlets her age, she has managed to stay away from any scandals. I can appreciate that. And I think she's pretty.

 xo. Melisa


Coffee House Fun

I got to have my own little table at my Dorm's Coffee House^_^ It was cute and I had a lot of sweet girls stop by. I'm sorry I don't have any more pictures, but it was a rather dark area... 

Tonight my church is sponsoring a little event. We're watching a movie in the park and I'm so excited. Now, if only these gloomy clouds would go away!

xo. Melisa

PS: I'm going to have a new giveaway this Monday, along with some guest bloggers {fingers crossed} Everyone is just so busy these days... Are you as stressed out too?  Life does seem unexpectedly busier than usual. Well, enjoy your Friday and don't stress!


Just Something Pretty.

I'm enjoying a couple of hours of rest before I have to get back to work. Thought I'd share something pretty with you^_^
Source: one, two

Tonight I'm going to have a table set up for Pie N' the Sky at my Dorm's Coffee House night. I'm excited. Share pictures with you later!

xo. Melisa


Giveaway Winner!

I just LOVED hearing all of the wonderful parts of your weeks:) I wish that we could all win, I truly do, but unfortunately there's only one winner and that winner is...

Best thing that happened to me this week is i got my wedding ring sized! Its beautiful!! 

Congratulations Taylor! Just email me your address and I'll ship it right out to you^_^ And again, a big thank you to everyone who entered!! I hope you all will try again next time which should be sometime here in the next week. 

Loves. Melisa


This is the reason why I haven't and won't be around much. Good news though, I wrote a new song^_^ It's simple and pretty, and I hope one day I can share it with you. Hope you had a lovely day filled with sunshine and smiling people. 

xo. Melisa


Fort Christmas.

I love finding new music. I'm a fan of Jeremy Larson's music, but especially his new ep Fort Christmas {which I bought today}. They're mostly lovely love songs about his fiance Elsie. They're sweet and who doesn't love sweet?? You should go check it out here: 

xo Melisa

Etsy Tuesday Treasures.

I wish I had need for these cute little acorn boxes. They're so fun!
This beautiful owl is SO cute!! I love Skunkboy Creatures^_^
I love this laptop case. It's just the prettiest!
This flower necklace is thee prettiest.
That's all for now friends! Hope you're having a pleasant Tuesday!! 

xo. Melisa

Sunflower Seeds

Chinese conceptual artist ai weiwei filled the Tate Modern's turbine hall with millions of life-sized, hand painted sunflower seed husks made out of porcelain. Isn't it incredible!??
I'll be back later with my etsy finds^_^

xo. Melisa


My Next To Do

I've ventured in doing this once before, but never followed through. I'd really like to make these pretty embroidery fabric covered circles^_^ Don't they look so pretty?? I have lovely fabric, but not nearly as beautiful as these Liberty of London swatches... If you're interested in giving it a try, here's a link to the DIY. Send me photos if you're successful!

xo. Melisa


Giveaway: Three Pretty Bows

This weeks giveaway is three lovely Pie N' the Sky bows. These barrettes are so sweet and simple^_^ 
To enter just sign your name in the comments below and the best thing that happened to you this week! I'll announce the winner on Thursday AND I'll be posting another giveaway on Monday!!
If you post this giveaway on your blog i'll enter you THREE extra times!! You can use the image below and leave a link to your blog in the comments:)

xo. Melisa


It's time

Congratulations Kristin Holdeman!! You can email me your address and I'll ship your winnings to you^_^ And a big thank you to all who participated. As promised there will be more giveaways so don't give up! I'll be posting the new giveaway tonight so be sure to check back!! 

xo. Melisa


I am human.

I realize that I haven't been as talkative lately and I decided to share with you on a level I usually don't. I tend to be a little less informative on my personal problems and this is kind of difficult for bloggers. How much is too much when it comes to sharing? Do you all even care? Well, looking through previous posts and what I've shared, it must at often times appear as though I have a pretty perfect life. I just wanted to say that though I tend to focus on the positive and bring out the inspiration of my days, I am far from perfect. In fact, I am fatally flawed, but that's okay, I'm human. I don't like to go on and on about annoyances in my day or tough situations, because quite frankly I'm sure you have your own issues and the last thing you want is to be bogged down by my worries, so instead I try to be a beacon of light to a rather dim world. I hope to be a sigh of relief to your busy day, a quick pick me up in the middle of a not so good situation and a friend to say hello when no one else has. 

I just wanted to be sure to say that I don't mean to hold this impossibly high standard of happiness. I try very hard to find joy in the simplest of things so that my worries won't get the best of my day. Usually, if I don't say hello from time to time it's because life has gotten the best of me and I'm simply a busy girl. Yes, it's true, I have a life. hehe. I wish I could devote my life to blogging and crafting; making pretties all the livelong day, but unfortunately I'm not quite at that place in my life yet {but one day, maybe^_^}

I'm not sure why I felt the need to to write this, but I just wanted to encourage you to be happy I guess. It doesn't matter how many "imperfections" you may think you have, you're perfect just the way you are. If you're going through a season of heartache, it's okay because one day soon, it'll pass. I guess this is a bit of a pep talk for myself as well. We're flesh and bones. And thank goodness God loves us just the way we are.

I love my readers so much and I hope you all know how much you mean to me. Have a lovely night.

xo. Melisa


Wardrobe Wednesday: Little Red

Little Red
This Wardrobe Wednesday is just fun. I thought this little red cape was the sweetest. And if you're going to get lost in the woods you need to have the necessities^_^


Etsy Tuesday Treasures.

Loooving these headbands! I really really want one!!

This sweet necklace is too cute!
This Fox Party Print is wonderful^_^
These pretty dreamcatchers are just dreamy

That's all for now friends! Hope you enjoyed:) OH, and I'm moving the giveaway announcement to Friday! That'll give a few of you some more time to enter!!

Night. Melisa