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W E A R :: all a blur

details :: sweater/anthropologie, denim/urbanoutfitters, scarf & thermal/target

Elisha and I had so much fun this Christmas visiting my Dad and Stepmom at their new home. Their land has the best views and I had so much fun exploring. I'll be sharing a few more posts with some peeks of their backyard soon.

While I was taking these photos, the settings got a bit mixed up and they didn't actually focus - womp. But as I was going through them, I decided I still liked them! Everything doesn't always have to be clear and in focus, sometimes a little blur creates some wonder.

Do you have any fun New Year's plans?? 

xo. mel


W E A R :: spot on


details :: top/american apparel, sweater/united colors of bennetton, pants/olsenboye, boots/nordstrom
It's been awhile, friends! I have been ultra silent for months. It's been a time of refreshing, reorganizing and other re- words; mostly it was just necessary. I went back to school to work on my Master's degree and my second semester just ended (hooray), I've been working full time, and experiencing a ton of life change with our friends and family.
I love where life has us right now; however chaotic it may feel at times.
I am not leaving blogging, but I'm not making my big return just yet either. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere! I hope to start posting at a more regular pace so so soon. Thank you for your patience and support. Be back soon!
xo. mel


A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT :: progress over perfection

Lately I've had the word "evolve" on my mind. I feel like this season is one in which I am evolving. I am growing, changing and learning how to be the woman I feel called to be. At some point, I stopped being a youth, I stopped being a girl, I stopped looking forward to "growing up", and I actually grew up, I became a woman, the woman I hoped to someday be. The day finally came. So it's hard, and confusing, working out how to be someone you never thought you could be. But here I am. Melisa, 26 years old, and feeling just as clueless as I was at 15.

I am assured that I have purpose. And with that purpose comes understanding; an understanding that I  am made for more, am capable of doing more, and filled with the hope of there being more. Meaning, I am not done. I'm not done on my journey of becoming; I have not yet become. Although, I am evolving. Like clay in a potters hand, I am losing shape, yet gaining new shape. It is uncomfortable, painful and difficult. More so, it is fulfilling and a joy. I will someday long to relive these days again and so my prayer is that I am present.

Present each morning as I wiggle my toes and I feel the tiny aches in my legs. Present in the laughter that fills our home when we've become delirious because of lack of sleep. Present as I sit at my desk and work towards tomorrows goals. Present as I cook meals that will nourish our bodies and prepare them for the following years. Present as we play with our sweet girl Gretch. Present as I pray for tomorrows future. Present.

It's easy to be dissatisfied with where you are in life, but it's so much better to have joy in knowing that there's more. That someday still exists and things can only get better from here. Your life may not be perfect. I know that mine is not. I would much rather progress over perfection because progress says we're growing. You are stronger each day through your struggles and hardships. You are more, each day, and that is enough.

xo. mel


W E A V E :: 02

This is the second weaving I made. I love the soft pink hues and think it would look lovely in a little girl's room, or above an office desk. If you're interested in purchasing this weaving, you can contact me at
xo. mel


W E A V E :: 01

I've recently become smitten with weaving! I'd been wanting to try it out for awhile, and I finally saw a tutorial and went for it! I couldn't get my hands on a loom without having to wait a week or two to arrive, so I decided to make one! I loved the process and it's surprisingly easier than I had thought. It does take time and effort, but the results are beautiful. 

This weaving is hanging above our bed. I'll be making more and sharing them here. You'll also have the opportunity to purchase some of them. If that's something that interests you! 

Hope you're week is off to a great start friends!

xo. mel


M A K E :: cord planter

It's no secret that I love plants. In fact my instagram is primarily a feed of Gretchen, plants and nice words. I got this plant a few weeks ago and decided to make my pot, instead of buying a new one. This diy is definitely budget friendly and pretty dang easy if I do say so myself. 

S U P P L I E S :: rope/chord , hot glue gun , planter

1 / Start by gluing down one end of your chord to the bottom edge of your planter. 

2) Continue to wrap your chord all the way around the planter. you can use the same chord or alternate colors, by cutting smaller lengths of another color chord. Be sure to glue down as you wrap and snip any loose edges. If it frays, it's okay, it'll add character!

Yes, it is just that easy! I love how it adds a different texture to our living room. If you decide to do this diy, as always, leave a link below for us all to see how it turned out! 

xo mel


N E W S P A C E :: workspace

This space functions as so many different areas that it was tough to find a place for everything. After a few shifts and trying out different storage situations, I believe I have finally found a place for all of my things. This space is now comfortable and conducive for work and craft!
I hope y'all are having a wonderful week and I'll be back later to share a new diy!
xo. mel


W E A R :: brick by brick

details :: top/free people, jeans/hco, boots/sam edelman
Did I mention that I turned 26 this month. I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty aprehensive about the whole thing. I generally don't enjoy birthdays much, as it is, but for some reason the idea of 26 seemed so daunting. I think mostly because 25 set a pretty high standard. At 25 I got married, we got an apartment, we got a dog, I got a job that I love, I started graduate school and I struggled/beat the crap out of some obstacles. God was really great at 25. So I was pretty content with sticking to 25 for the rest of my life.
In the last few weeks though, I've started to see myself and the world around me a bit differently. Sure, I'm not just suddenly so much wiser or more mature, but there's been a shift and I think I'm okay with 26. I might even be a little excited about it. God is still God, which means He's still great and He's still going to do some great things.
What was your favorite age??
xo. mel