I had so much fun helping plan my best friend's bridal shower. She wanted something NY themed, so we played with a b&w concept with splashes of red and gold. Of course no dessert table is really complete without cake balls so I thought I'd give them a go. We tried using a mold that I picked up, but then I was told about a significantly easier (and prettier) process that results in the perfect cake ball. With that being said, please excuse my not so cute attempt. I'll share my next attempt soon!
Since I made the cake balls, I knew they needed to be displayed, so I purchased a piece of foam and used a scrap piece of fabric I had to make a lovely little display!
Y O U N E E D :: foam, fabric, pins, marker/pen, scissors
E A S Y A S 1 2 3:: gather your supplies. lay your foam on top of your fabric and begin pulling it tightly along the sides. pin the fabric down, until every inch is covered and it's tight across the top. mark your dots where you will want your cake pops to be secured. using your scissors, poke holes through your fabric where you've marked your dots. grab your cake pops and stick them in place.
This is super easy and it made them look great! Perfect for a shower, birthday party or if you're having friends over!
xo. melisa