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new rings

Guys, I just reopened the shop. I know it's been quite some time now, and I thought I should go ahead and get on that, so I did. You will find new pretty arrowhead rings aaaand I've added new packaging. SO basically you should be pretty excited right now. Go take a peek if you'd like, or don't... either way, have a swell day!


instagram + sponsors

Are y'all as addicted to instagram as I am?? I find that I am constantly checking it to see what inspiring photos are being shared. I love love photography and am so happy that I get to be apart of my friends' lives, seeing what they see and getting their perspective on life. I thought this month I would share some of my lovely sponsors' instagrams with you; ya know, in case you're wanting to follow some super cool and pretty gals!

@ladyhue  //   blog  //   shop 

@bubbyandbean   //   blog   //   shop

 @amanda_face   //   blog   //   shop

@maiedae   //   blog   //   twitter

blog   //   facebook   //   pinterest

 @lenaentrekin   //   blog

 @sweetlavenderbakeshoppe   //   blog   //   shoppe

@magpiemeghan   //   blog

Just want to say a huge thank you to all of my sweet sweet sponsors; you are all so talented and I feel privileged to know you!! Be sure to check out the rest of their pretty photos on instagram, and if you'd like to follow me, my handle is @pienthesky

If you would like to become a Pie N' the Sky sponsor for the month of July, send me an email at Also, the XL spot is still available! 



fresh new space

The other day I decided my room needed some rearranging and was in need of a little freshening up. I always feel way inspired when I have a clean new space. 

Maybe it's the new season, but I sure am excited for these next few months. I have so many ideas and dreams for Pie N' the Sky; I can't wait to start putting them into action. I feel more challenged than I ever have before to push myself and really create something I've always hoped for. 

Happy weekend!

xo. Melisa


fancy dish

I decided to do a little fun craft the other day and I'm just smitten with the results! I was inspired by this sweet tutorial from Elsie! I have many more ideas and can't wait to pick up some more dishes

Pick up some porcelain dishes (I got mine from Target for $1.99) and a sharpie pen ( I used a gold paint pen). Once you've doodled to your heart's content, bake the dishes for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. easy peasy.

Have a sweet day and a happy week, friends!



a simple lunch

I like sharing my little lunches with you; I hope you don't mind it. The other day I made this...

Fresh tomato slices make my heart happy, but even more so when they're seasoned with a little (or a lot in my case) salt and pepper. It's the perfect balance of sweet and salty. This is one of my favorite snacks!

I love hummus with just about anything. I just used it as a spread and made a wrap. Usually I'll put a little more in this, but I was lacking veggies - looks like I've got to go to the grocery store!

Fruit and yogurt is probably the easiest and healthiest snack one can make. I cut up some strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and grapes - threw em on top of some vanilla yogurt and voila! It was reeeeeal good, y'all! 

Of course no meal is complete without a huge cup of water^_^ Still taking recipes if you have any to share. Keep in mind that I like my lunches to be healthy, quick and simple to make. Thanks so much!



WEAR :: in a ruffle

details // dress: c/o Sugarlips, shoes: Candies, hat & belt: Urban Outfitters, necklace: snatch

I'm just smitten with this dress! This cut is my new favorite for skirts and dresses & the lace makes my heart even happier. Any new styles or trends that you're loving??


footnote: photos courtesy of the lovely Kalli Carr.