I'd like to introduce you to Kristin. She and I have been friends for 13 years now, whoa! We have been through so very much together and I am so proud of who she has become. She got married just a little over a year ago and she's living in snowy Indiana. I am sure that you'll just fall in love with her.
What is your job title?
Well the name plate on my door says secretary, but I like to think of myself as being so much more than that! I'm a newlywed, wife, puppy mother, minister, pastor's wife, friend, daughter, sister, crafter, cook, blogger, dog lover, chocolate lover extarordinare! If only all of those could be on my name plate...
What do you love about yourself?
I love the person I have become. I have learned some hard lessons about obedience, and I know from experience that God blesses those who are obedient. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it. It's what has made me who I am today. And I know I'm reaping the blessings from it; my husband, our ministry, my home, the list goes on and on!
Who is your role model?
I honestly don't have one particular role model. There are different people in my life that I look at and see qualities about them that I would like to have. I want to be more selfless like my dad. I want to be as giving as my sister. I want to be more dedicated like my husband. I surround myself with people that challenge me and help me be better, I have no time or energy for people who only bring me down.
What inspires you?
the things that the Lord has placed in my life - life as a children's pastors wife, other bloggers, and my husband.
What are five words that describe you?
passionate - about my husband, our ministry and life together...and of course my dog
quirky - we all have weird habits right?!
creative - I love to craft and create. And you should see my awesome dance moves in the car
peaceful - I like to think I have calming spirit
sincere - I'm passionate about what I do, and loving people, and I mean what I say.
What is your biggest insecurity?
I was talking to my sister the other day about how someone "made me feel bad about myself." She replied by saying, "no one can MAKE you feel anything." And that is just it. I am constantly comparing myself to other people, and putting myself down. She's prettier than me, she has better clothes than I do, she's skinnier than me, they're smarter than me, they are better at ministry than I am, she's more talented than I am, she's a better wife than I am. Then I end up feeling awful about myself, and who wouldn't?! And then I realized that just because someone is better at ministry than I may be, does not make me any less great at ministry. Just because someone is talented, does not make me any less talented. Someone else's beauty does not take away from my beauty. If I am constantly comparing myself to other people, then essentially I am taking away from who God created me to be, almost as if I am saying who He made is not good enough. And who am I to say that I am not good enough?

Lastly, if you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
I tried to think of someone inspirational, but I couldn't! I'll say Ellen DeGeneres. How fun would it be to dance around, scare people, and surprise people with cool stuff everyday?? Alright, I don't want to be her, I just want to hang out with her.
Thanks for sharing with us!! Hope y'all enjoyed hearing from her!! I also have some exciting news to share. Just today I sent out new Girl Talk requests for the Fall Season! I cannot believe how successful this little feature has become and I am more than excited to introduce more lovely new faces. Though spaces are limited and I have already filled most, if you are interested in participating, you may send me an email^_^ Thanks so much! Eee! I also just realized that I put Kristin's maiden name and not her new last name, Holdeman, my bad! But really, she'll always be Kristin Grubbs to me... Are you that way with your married friends?? It's just hard to think of them as anyone else, no?