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M A K E :: modern mousepad

I'm so excited to be over on Wonder Forest today, sharing this fun and easy modern mousepad! You can see all the photos and details here

xo. melisa


M A K E :: bauble necklace

I love jewelry that is simple, but makes a statement. This bauble necklace is the perfect combination of just that!

S U P P L I E S   ::  wooden beads, cord, paint/brushes

E A S Y   A S   1 ,  2 ,  3

1.) Gather your beads and paint them with their first coat. I found it easiest to get all sides, by slipping the beads onto a wooden dowel, so they wouldn't slip around and I didn't have to touch them.

2.) Continue by adding details such as patterns! I chose to do gold stars and a Dalmatian print. I'm obsessed with black and white combos right now.

3.) Once your paint has dried, set your beads out. Cut approx. 20inches of cord - varying in how low long you'd like your necklace to hang. String the cord through your beads!

4.) Take both ends and tie a double knot. You can also opt to use closures, but I like simple, and slipping the necklace over my head just makes more sense. Trim any excess cord from the ends.

I love how these turned out! This would be a really fun project to do with kids too - little girls can make their very own dress up jewelry; even make some to look like a strand of pearls! So many fun ideas! As always, share a link below if you decide to try it out!

xo. melisa



Since getting an iPad I've discovered a whole new world of apps! Some of these are available for iPhones as well, but I enjoy using them on my iPad. So, in no particular order, these are the apps I'm digging


Lumosity :: this is maybe my favorite app this year! I love learning (that sounded nerdy, oops) and this app makes it fun! Lumosity gives you different games which helps you work on your memory, speed and other fun stuff. You can purchase the full membership for a hefty sum, or enjoy the free games they give you! You can even play this on your desktop!

Duolingo :: I recently discovered this app and now I'm completely hooked! I think I've mentioned before that I used to live in Brazil - so Portuguese was one of my first languages. Since moving back to the states, I have quickly forgotten most of it. womps. I have loved playing with Duolingo though because it's given me a chance to freshen up on it - it's the best if you're trying to get better or learn a new language. I may try french next.

Sudoku :: ever since this became "a thing", I have been crazy for sudoku. Like, I could literally spend hours on this stuff. So naturally I'm smitten with this app.


Padgram :: this app takes Instagram but lays out all the photos so it's much more appealing. I love it!

Bloglovin :: this is obviously nothing new, but I've grown especially fond of Bloglovin knowing that now I can have all of my need-to-read blogs with me wherever I go! Don't know about Bloglovin? Check it out and follow PS!

G A M E S 

Heads Up :: I have this game on my iPhone and it's a huge favorite for me and my friends. It was created by Ellen and it's so much fun - a mix of catch phrase, buzzword and charades. 

QuizUp :: you can easily waste half your day on this app. It's basically trivia games that allows you to challenge other people. The trivia ranges from everything from Disney to Lost, to Grammys to Hunger Games. You need this!

Sonic Dash :: this is a throwback because it makes me feel like I'm a kid again, sitting in front of my small box set playing sega. Sheesh. So great!

P R A C T I C A L 

Pages :: again, this app is available for your desktop and iPhone, but I especially love it for my iPad because I can have all of my documents with me. I especially love creating to do lists with this - adding photos to my docs always make them more fun!

ifontmaker :: you get to make your own fonts! It's amazing. enough said.

iBooks :: this is honestly why I wanted an iPad in the first place. I love to read, but lugging books around in my already oversized purse, just isn't practical. Now, I can carry my library with me! I'm currently reading Carry On Warrior and Jesus Calling

GloBible :: this is a really fun study bible that has a really cool interface. I love that it links to the aversion bible as well, so all of your bookmarks can be saved in both apps!

There's a TON of apps out there and sometimes it's a bit overwhelming to search for the good ones. So tell me, what's your favorite app??

xo. mel


R E C I P E :: tres colores salsa

It's sort of an unspoken rule in our family, that everyone should know how to make salsa. So early on, my mom taught me her recipe and it was actually one of the first things I ever "cooked" on my own. While I've deemed that salsa a family recipe, I am excited to share a different salsa recipe with you today! Elisha loves him some spicy salsa - like pretty stinkin hot! So I created the Tres Colores Salsa which features four types of peppers. Yes, tres means three, but two of the peppers are the same color, so it works. I'll share some tips on how to make it mild - if hot just isn't your thing. So lets get started!

T R E S   C O L O R E S   S  A L S A

3    habanero peppers
3    serrano peppers
2    fresno peppers
5    jalapeño peppers
1    bushel of cilantro
1    tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp salt
1    tomato
1    can of tomato sauce

1.) wash all of your produce. cut the stems off all of your peppers. for less heat, you can pick out some of the seeds. (*make sure not to touch your eyes or face during this part). then cut up your bushel of cilantro - I love cilantro so I usually use all of it, but add as you see fit. cut your tomato in half. 

2.) gather all of your ingredients and pour them into your blender. once all of the solids are in, pour in your tomato sauce. then hit blend. the consistency of this salsa is naturally a little thicker, which we like. if you'd like it less thick, turn your blender to a higher setting or just blend longer. add salt to taste. *if it's still too hot, you can add another can of tomato sauce.

 3.) grab a bag of chips, invite your friends over, turn on your favorite show and enjoy!

Salsa in the Garcia household is an absolute staple! We are constantly stocked. I usually make this salsa when we go over to a friend's house for dinner, or if we're throwing a party. With Superbowl right around the corner, this would make a great side to bring! 

I'm excited to start sharing more recipes with you as I begin to try new ones out myself. Is there any dish you're dying to learn how to make??

xo. melisa


Frankie Daily Journal

I ordered my Frankie Daily Journal about three weeks ago and was so pleased to find it in the mail yesterday. The illustrations are absolute perfection, which will make planning my days, weeks, and months, all the more exciting. If you haven't checked out Frankie Magazine, I highly suggest you do! I'm just smitten. 

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. My allergies are basically going berzerk. I'm using the little joys and small victories to keep me motivated.  

happy wednesday. melisa


M A K E :: mini notebooks

I don't know about you, but I love toting around little notebooks in my purse. I always have ideas or inspiration at the most random times, so having a notebook handy is crucial. With it being a new year, I wanted to have a fresh batch of mini notebooks ready to go! I decided to whip these little beauties up!

S U P P L I E S   ::  watercolor paper, paint/brushes, scissors, (tracing) paper, pen, sewing machine

E A S Y   A S    1 ,   2 ,   3   ::
1.) Gather your paint supplies and brush away! You can be as meticulous or random as you'd like. I just wanted brush strokes and I didn't want mine to look too perfect. You can always paint flowers, or words… just have fun with it!

 2.) Once your paper has dried, use your scissors to cut each sheet in half. If you have a paper cutter available, that's always helpful to make your edges nice and straight.

3. ) Once your sheets are cut, you can begin to decorate your "covers" using your pen/marker. Another alternative is gluing photos to the front, or using magazine pages like this diy.

4.) Cut the paper you'll be using as your "pages", slightly smaller then your "cover" sheet. I decided to use tracing paper, because I'm obsessed with how fun it is to write on. Seriously, try it. Tracing paper is also pretty sturdy, so you don't have to worry about pages tearing easily when you sew. Use a binder clip, or anything else you may have, to bind the pages together. This will make sewing SO much easier.

5.) Mark where the fold will be and begin to sew from top to bottom! Fold your notebook in half and lay something heavy on it for a few minutes so it stays closed. You're done!!

I'm in love with how these turned out and I promise it's so so easy to do! I can't wait to see how yours turn out - and again, there are SO many different variations you can do! I'd love to see how yours turn out; leave a link!

xo. melisa


W E A R :: bears on your knees

details :: dress/urban outfitters, jacket/forever21, tights ℅ born pretty, boots/kohls

I'm kind of totally smitten with these tights. I wish I had bears on my knees always, that's normal right? 

It's been warming up ever so slightly, so I've been enjoying not having to wear ten layers. It's especially nice when you have to pack and don't have enough room for 20 sweaters. This weekend, husband and I are heading to Austin, to visit my brother, sister and parents! I love short family gatherings. We'll only be gone for 2 days, but getting out of town is just what I need for a refresh. 

Do you have any big plans for your MLK holiday?

xo. melisa



2014 is in full swing and I couldn't be more pumped! I have so many fun posts lined up and something brand new in the works, that I just can't wait to share! If you have a spare moment, would you mind filling out this short (anonymous) survey?? It will help me so much, as I continue to plan for this year! Thank you thank you! You're the best!

xo. melisa



Forgive me for a moment, while I air out some of my current frustrations with the world. What happened to loving ourselves? When did it become so normal to not be ourselves? What if we stopped judging ourselves and putting the blame on others? Because that's what happens isn't it? We say that others will find us repulsive if we don't wear makeup, or others will look down on us if we're not dressed a certain way. But that's mostly just talk and the root of it is in our heads. 

What if we started to own our face; the one we were born with, the one that resembles our mother's and her mother's. What if we learned to love it, short eyelashes, dark circles, sparse eyebrows and all. What if we looked in the mirror and saw all that was right, instead of all that is wrong. What if we stepped out the door with courage and boldness, not worried of how we would be perceived, but insisting that the world begin to see us for who we truly are.

What if we decided we had had enough and this became our new way of life. Would there be fires and panic? Would the world soldier on? Yes, it would do just that. And women from all around the world would lift each other up instead of tearing each other down. Comparison would no longer be an issue, and insecurity would no longer be a way of life. 

I understand that this is no small feat, but it is a goal. One that I believe we should all seek to achieve. I believe in a day where women will love themselves and not be accused of being conceited. I believe there will be a day when beauty is not measured by numbers of height and weight, but by the smiles she gives and the kindness she shares. I believe in a world where women look different and it's not just accepted, but it's applauded. Where you can look at yourself with excitement in knowing that you are not like any other out there; that you are you and that is not simply enough, but it is everything. 

I'm no longer buying into the ideal. Because "ideally", I would not fit into a specific size, or have hair a certain length, or wear a certain brand, but "ideally" I would simply learn to love myself the way I am. Every day you have the choice to be swayed by the opinions of others, thus hiding yourself under excuses - "oh it's just a bad hair day", "I didn't have enough time to get ready", "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night" - or, you can own up to who you are. We are fatally flawed, but it's our flaws that make us so perfect - they set us apart and make us unique. Without the very things we seek to rid ourselves of, we become less and less. 

Stop shrinking ladies. Stop saying you're not enough. Stop forcing yourself to stay quiet. Stop hating yourself. Love yourself. Stand up straight. Wear the clothes you feel great in. Speak your mind. Have an opinion. Share your views. Seek opportunities. You are worthy and deserving of a beautiful life. Stop believing that you are small and insignificant. You are more. You are more than what you do on a daily basis. You have more voice than you let yourself use. You have more personality than you let yourself share. You are not defined by your looks, your wardrobe, your pay or the car you drive. You are more. You are already who you want to be, you simply have to give yourself the permission to be you. 

And that's all I have to say for now.

xo. melisa


M A K E :: statement necklace

I love a good statement necklace! I've been loving tassels this season and have been wanting to find a way to incorporate them into an outfit. I think this simple statement necklace is a the perfect bold, to an otherwise simple, wardrobe. 

S U P P L  I E S   : :  embroidery thread, scissors, chain

E A S Y   A S   1 ,   2 ,   3  
1.) Cut one strand of each thread to approx. 12in. long. 

2.) Fold your embroidery thread in half so the the ends line up. This doesn't have to be perfect, since you'll be trimming at the end.

3.) place the chain in between the folded layers of thread / 4.) Use the 12in. strand that you cut earlier to tie a not across the top. Make sure it's secure and begin to wrap the ends.

5.) Once you have wrapped all the way around, then knot it and cut any loose ends. At this point you can tighten the tassel so it is secure on the chain.

6.) Take your scissors and trim the bottom - you can play with the height and make them really short or keep them long / 7.) Continue steps 1-6 with the remaining three tassels until all of them are on your chain. Remember to order them in descending color so you get an hombre effect!

There are so many variations you could do of this project! You can cover an entire chain with them, add beads in between each one, use all the same color… the possibilities are endless! Leave a comment and tell us what you did!

If diys aren't your gig, but you'd still like a statement necklace, you can purchase one here! You can also see previous diy projects in this glossary or visit my pinterest board! 

xo. melisa


BE WELL :: define your year

" I T ' S   O F T E N   T H E   S M A L L   T H I N G S   T H A T   N O   O N E   S E E S   T H A T   R E S U L T S   I N   T H E   B I G   T H I N G S   T H A T  
 E V E R Y O N E   W A N T S  "


I heard this quote the other day when Elisha and I were listening to his sermon. I haven't been able to get it off my mind and I love how it's made me start to see this year. If we can make small changes throughout our year, they will begin to reshape our lives and ultimately make a big difference. Seems pretty basic, right?

Well, I've decided to take the challenge and furthermore, define this year with one word; shift. I chose shift for several reasons. First off, I've had some good years and some pretty rotten ones, but I feel like I'm come to this place where I've been through the fire and God has been refining me. I feel as though I know who I want and should be, and I'm no longer leaps away, but in need of a ton of tiny adjustments. In my mind I imagine a rock covered in tiny rough edges, this year I want to smooth those edges out. I don't feel as though i'm headed down a terrible path or anything, but I do think the path could stand to be straighter (it always can). I believe little shifts in how I think, what I say and what I do, will make a big difference. Straightening up in one area, shifting my way of perceiving situations and others, stepping out of the way for God to move… these are just a few things that will help me to Shift, this year. So, instead of resolutions, lets pick a word - a word that will inspire, encourage, motivate and help us not only to accomplish goals, but to become better women. Write it down, stick it on your mirror, make it your wallpaper, get it in your head and in your heart. This year I'm going to shift.

Are you on board?! What's your focus going to be on this year? Share your word with us in the comments below!

xo. melisa


M A K E :: ipad pouch

I was so excited to get an iPad for Christmas! I've been wanting one for quite some time, and I've been using it everyday. I immediately went out and bought a case for it, so it wouldn't get scratched, but I wanted to have an alternative to a big bulky case that's connected to it, so I thought I'd make a little pouch for it! This is a really fun and easy beginners sewing project. And it can be adapted in several ways to make a ton of different sized pouches! I'm thinking i'll make a matching one for my laptop!

S U P P L I E S  :: zipper, fabric/piece of leather, scissors, pins, sewing machine (not pictured), ipad (not necessary for making, but it helps to have handy in case you need to measure

E A S Y    A S   1 , 2 , 3
1. Cut your fabric to the appropriate dimensions of your iPad, with about half an inch extra along each side (for sewing). You'll need an inside and an outside fabric. Gather your fabric pieces and your leather // 2.  Using your sewing machine, stitch along the bottom edge of your fabric and the piece of leather. Make sure that you have the outside of your fabric facedown // 3. Repeat with the other piece of fabric, and stitch to the other end of the leather, so that both pieces are on either side of fabric, then flip over so it looks like the photo above. This will be the bottom/sides of your pouch!

4. If your fabric doesn't lay flat, then use an iron to help press it down. Be sure to layer a thin piece of fabric over the leather, so the iron doesn't directly touch it. It's okay if you have pieces that hang off a little, you can trim them.

5. Flip your stitched pieces back upside down // 6. You will now lay the inside piece of fabric, so that it lines up perfectly // 7. fold the fabric in half, so that the "inside" fabric is now showing on the outside, and pin in place. 

8. Secure your zipper. slightly fold the top part of your fabric, so there aren't any raw edges showing. Then place the zipper between the inside and outside fabric. Use pins to keep it in place  // 9. Use your sewing machine to sew all the edges // 10. Sew the zipper on one side, then unzip and sew the other side. Turn the pouch inside out and place your iPad inside! hooray!

If you'd like a little more protection, you can always add a layer of foam cushioning. 

I can't wait to see how yours turn out! Leave a link below and let us see what you made!

xo. melisa