Yes, it's another notebook diy! haha, I love them I tell you! Every season I like to get a large notebook with dividers, to help me manage the different areas of Pie N' the Sky. I shared this Notebook DIY last year, and it has become one of the most repined photos I've shared on Pinterest. I decided to do a similar design with a different shape - hexagons! Because who doesn't love hexagons!?
My inspiration for this diy was Free People. I love this store and everything they create is magic - I knew if I had a notebook covered with their beautiful work, I would be instantly inspired each time I picked it up. Since I had a lot of extra catalogs stored away, I knew I wanted to use them for this project. So lets get started!
S U P P L I E S :: Free People Catalogs, blank notebook (bought mine at Target), scissors, mod podge, brush, sheet of card stock (not pictured)
1) Cut! You'll need to cut a hexagon shape on your sheet of card stock, This will serve as your stencil so that all of your hexagons are the same size. You can print a hexagon and cut from that, or draw it yourself. I knew the specific size needed for my particular notebook, so I drew it by hand.
Keep in mind that your hexagons won't fit edge to edge, so you may need to cut some in half. You'll see how I did it in the image below.
2) Organize your hexagons on your notebook cover. This will help you see where you need to place half pieces and where you'll want each image to go.
3) Using your Mod Podge, apply a small amount onto your notebook and place your hexagon shape on top. To ensure that there is no peeling in the future, I applied a bit of extra Mod Podge along the edges of each shape.
You don't want to apply too much , or your shape will bubble. Apply pressure and push out any air bubbles that do appear.
4) Let your notebook dry for about 15 minutes. And again, be sure to check for those wrinkles & air bubbles. A light pressure, should push them right out. Then your notebook is ready to be filled with pretty thoughts!
Yep, I'm in love with how this turned out! I can't wait to start dreaming up this new season for Pie N' the Sky! I hope to fine tune some current blog series and add a few, finalize a new blog design feature, offer new graphic design packages, launch a brand new line in the shop, and basically just dream away. This notebook will hold so much magic in these next few months - I simply cannot wait to see what comes of it.
If you're looking for other notebook/journal diys, here are a few previous posts ::