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W E A R :: sayonara

  details :: sweater + top/ anthropologie, jeans/hco, boots/sam edelman 

It is finally finally starting to warm up over here, so I wore my big comfy sweater one last time. I'm so excited for Spring and all of the freshness of a new season. There have been quite a few changes going on in our lives and I'm excited to share some exciting news (no, I'm not pregnant!). However, it is very exciting and I can't wait for these next few months. In two weeks Elisha will be running his first triathlon for the year! Gretchen and I are super excited to cheer him on! I'll be sharing a longer post with all the exciting updates soon! 

Happy Monday! Mel

**see a full glossary of WEAR posts here.


M A K E :: watercolor mug

We're over on Wonder Forest today, sharing how to make this watercolor mug! It's sweet, it's simple and anyone can make it! Go check it out and say hey to Dana!

xo. melisa


B I T S + P I E C E S

This weekend my parents were in town. We had so much fun introducing them to Gretchen and seeing how she interacts with them. She's not too partial to strangers and we're trying to get her used to being around people, because well, we're usually around people! She's warming up to the idea, but mostly just prefers to be cuddled on the couch. Which we do often. Despite the busyness, I managed to work in a few diys, sip some tea and get her a cute new name tag! We're fairly certain her color is red; it brings out her fur, ha! I rarely say this, but I'm pretty stoked it's Monday! I think it's going to be a good week and I ca't wait for April! 

xo. melisa


Meet Gretchen

I'd like to formally introduce the newest addition to the Garcia Family; Gretchen! We had our eye on her for awhile and I kept telling Elisha how much I liked her. We had been pretty set on finding a specific breed and were looking forward to having a puppy and seeing her grow up, but when I saw Gretch, it all went out the window. I usually want every dog I meet, so I didn't really press the matter. I went to work Tuesday like normal and text Elisha throughout the whole day... nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I text him that I was on my way home and as I opened the door I couldn't have been more surprised! It was like a dream moment - there she was! Just sitting with Elisha on the couch like that's where she'd always been and always would be - exactly where she belonged. After a few "eeeeps" and cries, I held her in my arms and knew she was meant for our family. The last few days have been so exciting getting to know her personality and seeing how she fits in our little family. She's received hundred of kisses and oodles of cuddles - this girl LOVES the cuddles! I think she likes us and loves to greet us with yips, wiggles and licks! It's the best! 

I still can't believe we have a dog! I'm excited for this new season for Elisha and I. And I really can't believe that he pulled off such a huge surprise - he truly is the best! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world! So, without further ado, here are a few photos from Gretch's first night.

My little love - I'm obsessed with her already! I'd like to apologize in advance for the excessive amount of photos you will see of her! But seriously, can you blame me?? She's a doll I tell you!

xo. melisa

photos edited using a beautiful mess actions!


M A K E :: hexagon notebook

Yes, it's another notebook diy! haha, I love them I tell you! Every season I like to get a large notebook with dividers, to help me manage the different areas of Pie N' the Sky. I shared this Notebook DIY last year, and it has become one of the most repined photos I've shared on Pinterest. I decided to do a similar design with a different shape - hexagons! Because who doesn't love hexagons!? 

My inspiration for this diy was Free People. I love this store and everything they create is magic - I knew if I had a notebook covered with their beautiful work, I would be instantly inspired each time I picked it up. Since I had a lot of extra catalogs stored away, I knew I wanted to use them for this project. So lets get started! 

S U P P L I E S  ::  Free People Catalogs, blank notebook (bought mine at Target), scissors, mod podge, brush, sheet of card stock (not pictured)

1) Cut! You'll need to cut a hexagon shape on your sheet of card stock, This will serve as your stencil so that all of your hexagons are the same size. You can print a hexagon and cut from that, or draw it yourself. I knew the specific size needed for my particular notebook, so I drew it by hand. 

Keep in mind that your hexagons won't fit edge to edge, so you may need to cut some in half. You'll see how I did it in the image below.

2) Organize your hexagons on your notebook cover. This will help you see where you need to place half pieces and where you'll want each image to go.

3) Using your Mod Podge, apply a small amount onto your notebook and place your hexagon shape on top. To ensure that there is no peeling in the future, I applied a bit of extra Mod Podge along the edges of each shape. 

You don't want to apply too much , or your shape will bubble. Apply pressure and push out any air bubbles that do appear. 

4) Let your notebook dry for about 15 minutes. And again, be sure to check for those wrinkles & air bubbles. A light pressure, should push them right out. Then your notebook is ready to be filled with pretty thoughts!

Yep, I'm in love with how this turned out! I can't wait to start dreaming up this new season for Pie N' the Sky! I hope to fine tune some current blog series and add a few, finalize a new blog design feature, offer new graphic design packages, launch a brand new line in the shop, and basically just dream away. This notebook will hold so much magic in these next few months - I simply cannot wait to see what comes of it.

If you're looking for other notebook/journal diys, here are a few previous posts ::

Or, if you're just looking for a fun diy, check these out!  // xo. melisa


B I T S + P I E C E S

This weekend was the Walk the Light festival! We had so much fun meeting new faces and in spite of the rain, really had a blast. We actually ended up getting completely rained out around 5pm (it was supposed to go til 10), but it was so worth it! I was really thankful for supportive friends who stopped by in spite of the weather and grateful for meeting new friends! I also shared one of my brand new products - Embroidered Monogram Wall Hangings! I still have a few left over and am hoping to list them in the shop soon. In the meantime, if you'd like to place an order beforehand, feel free to email me! They are great for wedding gifts or welcoming a new baby! I'm pretty smitten with them myself!

How was your weekend? This Monday was unusually difficult to get hyped up for, anyone else? I think it's because the weather here has been cold and rainy. It's March. I am beyond ready for Spring!

xo. melisa


M A K E :: cord wrap

Happy Friday! I'm over on Wonder Forest today, sharing how to make this cute little cord wrap - the perfect way to keep your cords together! You can see all the photos and details here

xo. melisa


B I T S + P I E C E S

I've been working on a brand new product to debut at the Walk the Light Festival this weekend, and eventually stock the shop with. I cannot wait to show you the final product! I'm in love with how they're coming along and I'm pretty sure some of you may be in love with them as much as I am! eee! Just wanted to share a little peek - I'll be posting more soon, I promise!

xo. melisa